Special Chapter

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Updating this after 4 years bec I think all of my babies from Stonehearts deserved their own special chapter. Charot hahahaha


You know when Lev said that when I had my own daughter, I will finally understand that overwhelming overptotectiveness he's been yammering about. Well fuck me, because it's starting to bite me in the fucking ass.

Chandria. Dating. Chandria. Dating. Chandria. Dating. Chandria. Dating.

I kept on running those two words on my mind and it just doesn't add up. Hindi sila pwedeng nasa iisang pangungusap lang. Because she's never gonna date. Not the fuck ever. As long as I'm fucking breathing, no dick shall ever get close to my baby girl.

"Mahal, what got you so worked up that you are frowning at a blank piece of paper?" I turned and saw my wife walking up to where I am. I didn't even hear my door opening.

Saka ko tiningnan ulit ang hawak ko, she's right. It's blank. Why am I even holding this? The last thing I remember was me reviewing a financial report.

"You didn't say you're dropping by my office, mahal. I should've ordered in lunch."

She looked at me knowingly before she crossed her arms. Did I already say that my wife looks freakishly hotter when she tends to look angry? She doesn't have a mean bone in her body. She's a walking saint and everytime she acts as if she's mad at me all the more I am pumped up for her.

At our age, Love said I should be slowing down. But with our every year adding, I get hornier and hornier for her.

"Chance, it's two in the afternoon. You didn't have lunch?"

Oh boy. Here we go.

"I did, mahal. I-I...ummm...Fuck...J-just very busy today, that's all."

"One more lie and you're sleeping in the living room." She threatened and I'm like a puppy being tamed. She didn't need to say more, me out in the doghouse rather than with her in bed is one of my nightmares.

That's the thing about Love. She has this strategy of not getting mad, but by not getting mad meaning disappointing her. And I don't like disappointing my woman. It's on my top ten list of things to do to Love, 'do not disappoint her'.

Number one is making love to her, of course.

I sighed. "Chandria's dating. She just told me now via text. What's with kids these days, anyway? Hindi ba nila alam ang kahalagahan ng pagsasabi ng ganitong bagay ng personal?"

Love bit her lip, suppressing her smile. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. They teamed up on me. She knew! She fucking knew my goddamn baby girl is dating and she didn't tell me!

"You knew, didn't you?" I voice out.

Her face split into a beautiful smile and I already accepted defeat. My brewing argument is now invalid.

She walked over me and grabbed the paper away from hands before setting it neatly on top of my table. She then wrapped her arms around my waist and nestled her head in the corner of my neck and shoulders.

I inhaled her fresh, Amy-signature scent, intoxicating me. Making me momentarily forget why the hell am I staring at a blank piece of paper and offering lunch to my wife then lying about being busy at two o' clock in the afternoon.

"I knew, mahal. Matagal na."

Matagal na.

Her words yanked me back to the track I were before she arrived. Matagal na? Matagal na!

Stonehearts 2: AmethystTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon