Audience with the King

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We were kept apart from the boys for a few day. Then, later a guard came by.

"The king will see you now." The guard in white uniform spoke bluntly.

"And....." I said angrily. He rolled his eyes and pulled us out, Meya screeched as he pulled her away from the door and punched her gut, right where the scar was, it was nowhere near healed enough, she would be absolutely useless in a fight, I hope we don't get into a fight. I whip kicked him and he fell, "You touch her I will put you through so much torture that you will spill every secret or embarrassing moment ever, as well as some guts! So, what's it gonna be, torture or hands off."

He scrambled to get up and continued escorting us without a word. We soon arrived in a large hall with banners that held a swirls with all the shades on it. At the front of the room there was an elegant white throne. Tsubasa and Inga were already there forced to their knees. The White king sat on his throne, looking bored.

"Well its about time we found the children. Voilà my friends we caught a bunch of children. You said these were one of their best teams and even some royalty! How are 4 children a huge problem for an entire battalion." He looked angry. He stared at Tsubasa, he must've taken responsibility as our leader, he would totally do that. Although we don't really have one. I stepped forward and spoke.

"We may be children but we have a responsibility to the world and our friendship, not to mention our raw power. I've no doubt you have heard of the casualties we've caused to your men. We will not stand for your tyranny. We will stop you dead in your tracks!" I looked at my nails, acting bored. "Wow, I'm really getting into this. We will stop you and no generation will need to grieve any further than this. Anyway I'd like to know why you started this war and murdered my sister." I stood with an expectant look about my face.

"Some people will tell you that we are anarchists but the truth is that," He paused then laughed "well, we are." He started laughing uncontrollably I scowled. I slid my left foot out to the side. "Kill them!" I put my fists up as if I were going to punch. I punched out and fire followed through and hit two guards wiggling their fingers looking at Meya, trying to pick off the weakest of us first. Great, just what we needed, a fight. I whooshed around some air and pushed back several people around me.

The king looked bemused and stood. "Enter constellation spirit of the Grand Conqueror, Gothmari." he rose a hand level to his eyes, it glowed madly, an angry looking ape like thing appeared in front of the hand.

I forgot, in some stupid royalty class we learned that he was the heir to the Orange throne but denied it and married the only child inline for the White kingdoms throne, four years later he killed her for seeing her old lover, he was 20 years older than her, the lesson from that was to never betray someone in power over you, but we just did that, he was abusive, he was a drunkard, he was , we learned later, the one who decided their first act of war was to kill my sister.

The ape charged at Inga who had ignored the summoning. I countered it by jutting out a diagonal pole of rock. I activated element mode and kicked at the ape. He was thrown back into a column. It scrambled to get back up as I launched more attacks at it in which my mother soon joined me. Tsubasa did his arc thing and took out several soldiers who were taunting Inga as tried to help Meya up. My mother formed a rock wall around the ape and told me to go around the other side.

"On my mark push in." My mother commanded in her commandery voice "three, two, one, now!" I pushed hard and when the ape could reach to both sides of the wall it started pushing but I kept going and eventually its arms gave out and it returned to the spirit hole, where they live.

I turned on the ball of my foot to the king and whooshed air at him, letting the others take care of the remaining soldiers.

"I thought the man in charge of the whole kingdom would have spirits that would best a four kids, which one of whom is injured and another just guarding her, as well as a pile of rocks and organs. You are the pathetic one here." I turned again and signalled the others to follow me. We left without any other interactions.

I'm gonna cut it short here because I wanted you to have some content before Monday, which you are probably reading this on but still, I'll get started on the next chapter tomorrow unless I have too much homework as one might have on a Monday evening.

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