Chapter One

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"What of the plan for the Bridgeway hotel?" Joshua asked the man standing at the other end of the long twelve seat glass table.

"The plans for the bridgeway hotel, are finished. We are just awaiting approval from the engineer."

"And why hasn't the engineer sign off on this as yet?" The project was being drawn out longer than he had plan.

"There is a problem with a few choices that were made on in the plans."

Joshua had no patent- not anymore that is.

"The firm will send over an engineer to discuss the issues, the meeting is schedule for tomorrow at ten." The all so nervous presenter voiced. He was nervous, but if he ever made the slightest mistake of showing the slightest sign of being nervous, he knows that there would be consequences.

Joshua kept a keen eye on him, looking for any sign of weaknesses. He only had and wants the strongest and confident workers working in his company. The lack of confidence signifies weakness, which was unacceptable were he is concern.

"Ok then, I leave it to you"

"Yes sir...." his reign was short live, Joshua cut him off before he could finish.

"But know, if the plan isn't signed and approved by 12 o'clock friday. Not one minute before or one minute after. If so, you can start seeking employment elsewhere."

"But, Mr. O'Connor that's one week from now, we don't know the extent of the changes that needs to be made. We can't tell how long it will take."

Joshua had to admit that he was being a little bit too extreme, but what fun was there in going soft on him. "Are you saying that you won't be able to complete that task?" He said with an amused look on his face. "I made it clear, to each and every employee here, that I will not tolerate having the weak working around me."

"Yes, Sir. I will work my hardest to have it completed by Friday."

"Good," Joshua raise from his seat, gathering the files that were sitting on the table before him. "Meeting adjurned. If anything further, you will find me in my office. Dismissed."

To many around him, Joshua was a changed man and they all had theories that had let to his change. One of which, saying that He had lost the only person he had come to love that much, who was not his mother. Another theory was all the power getting to his head. But that's what they were, theories, no one for sure knew the real reason. It was him and himself. Not saying that he minded all the gossiping, it kept things a little interesting in the office. Keeps things from ever getting boring. Which was becoming a constant pelage in his life lately. Whenever he finds something of interest, it ends up becoming yesterdays news in a flash.

When Joshua got to the office, all he wanted to do was lie down and rest a bit. When he pushed the door open, he was greeted by a figure sitting in his chair. Seemingly distracted by the view, that the massive ceiling to floor windows have to offer of the vibrantly breath taking city below.

"Yes?" Joshua greeted the intruder.

Joshua was greeted with a smirk despite his rudeness. "Is that anyway to talk to your father?" The man who was a spitting image of, a much older model that is.

"Is that anyway to just pop up in ones office unannounced like that?" Joshua Ignored the scold that his father was now wear on his face. "This is my office you know, the least you can do, is make know your visits before hand"

"Well before it was your office, I ruled this kingdom" His father elaborated, flashing his hand to the room.

"well, your reign has long ended, there is a new ruler" he popped one the one button of his jacket, as he sat down in the coffee colored chair.

"well played. I see I've thought you well." Pride was coursing through his veins, as his blood does. He was proud to see, that a byproduct of his many years of hard work and determination, had paid off and his producing such fine results.

"To what do I owe this visit, Sir. Are you that bored, you choose to come here and torment me?" A headache had been brewing, since the moment he had open his eye this morning and it was getting worse by the second.

"Can a father not check in on his son?"

"Not unannounced"

"OK, I just came to see how the Bridgeway hotel was going"

Joshua was slouched over, with his throbbing head in his hands. "The engineer found a few problems with the plan and wants to go over and discuses, the necessary changes, that needs to be done in other it to be signed off on."

"Ok. And all the other approvals?"


"Excellent." he rock back into the chair, placing his intertwined hands behind his head. "Your mother keeps nagging me about why our son rarely visit."

"Has you can see, I am a very busy man with a company to run or have you forgotten. Sir" Joshua flashed at the his father. There relationship was never the father-son relationship of the year type.

"You work too much boy, you will too hard on the eyes if you keep it up."

"You turned out fine to me." Joshua announced from the spot that he was lying on the couch. "Well not entirely" He peeked out from under his forearm that lay across his eyes.

"humorous as always I see!" his father voiced with a smile plastered on his slightly tainted lips.

"I see your memory is getting worst, old man. I don't recall ever being humorous."

His father let out a hearty laugh. "Bad mouthing your father I see. I guess I did a bad job in your rearing."

You couldn't have been any more correct than that, Joshua confessed in the privacy of his own mind. "Could I be left alone now, your unannounced visit is rather, troublesome."

Another laugh came from the man as he pushed himself from the chair. "Ok. I will tell your mother that you are well and rude as always."

Joshua said nothing, he just lay stilled with his arm still covering his eyes. He listen to the foot step as they left the room. When the door open and then closed, Joshua relaxed a little into the chair.

A little peace and quiet, Joshua let out a long breath appreciating. Sleep finally came and he graciously accepted it but a minute into it a knock sounded at the door. Am I not suppose to be at peace? Joshua growled the words to whosoever was on the other side of the door.

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