Chapter Five

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Joshua couldn't recall the last time he had dreamt of anything. When he saw Samantha yesterday in the conference room, he felt as if he had a chance at life again. The day when she just upped and left he was surprised, he even blamed himself thinking that he had done or said something wrong. If was as if she had disappeared form the face of the earth. Joshua searched high and low for her, he even went as far as using additional resources until he found out that she didn't wanted to be found. Liz had told him that Samantha didn't want him to find her.

What was she hiding, why didn't she want him to find her? Joshua questioned himself as he lay in bed gazing at the ceiling that he was completely oblivious to the arm that lay across his chest. "Hey babe, you ok ?"

Joshua had completely forgot that she was laying net to him. "Yea, just thinking"

A smile graced her lips as she snuggled into his bear chest. "I hope that I am the one in those thoughts"

Joshua said nothing afraid his words might betray him.

"Joshua, you sure you ok? you seem a little tensed." She ran her hand across his chest.

"Yea, just thinking about work" He lied.

She giggled. "As always. sometimes I do think you overwork yourself, you need to take some time off, how about I make us a special dinner tonight."

"Sorry but I cant I have a meeting tonight" Joshua said as he sat up, causing her arm to fall limply onto the bed. "I should probably go get ready for work." without another word he lifted the room.

The day went by rather slower than others, Joshua 's guess would be the fact that he was going to see Samantha again. He was excited, that much he confessed to himself.


"Mom I'll see you later, don't wait up" Samantha called from the front door.

"Ok dear just don't go doing anything I wouldn't do."

"Mom, ewww. Stop" Samantha said in mock disgust. Samantha didn't want her mom voicing anymore of her embarrassing comment she quickly closed the door behind her, getting in her car just as fast. Once she was in the car she type the address into the GPS. Whipping the excess sweat that had formed on her plams, she grabbed hold of the steering wheel. "Lets get this over with, shall we." Samantha breath.

When she arrived at the restaurant it was what she expected from the man. The restaurant looked like one of those fancy ones that you can't pronounce. Samantha was nervous but she wasn't sure why, she had put the past behind her and the life she once had with Joshua was long gone. She had made that choice.

Right, so why am I nervous, Samantha questioned herself. Taking a deep breath to calm herself down she grabbed her purse and got out of the car she hand the key to the one of the man who was standing at the front of the restaurant. When she got inside she search the sea of people and without difficulty spotted the familiar head of blond hair.

As Samantha approached the table, Joshua stood up giving her a full view of what he was wearing. He had on a black suite, the trousers hanging low on his waste, the Jacket wad perfectly tailored to fit him. His white dress shirt was button all the way leaving on open. "Hey" Samantha smiled at him.

"Hey" Joshua returned, moving around the table he pulled out the chair for her to sit.

"Such a gentleman." She said as she took it. "Are you trying to win me over Mr. O'Connor?" She asked with raised brows. Samantha waited for him to be seated to answer.

"Is it working?" He flashed one of his signature smiles.

"Come on now MR. O'Connor, I'm afraid that it will take more than a fancy restaurant and you pulling out my chair, to get me in your bed" Samantha teased, he could have her if he wanted.

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