Chapter Three

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"Close your mouth Joshua, your setting yourself up for an unpleasant catch." Samantha laughed at the surprised Joshua, still frozen by his discovery. She felt a sense of pride to see that she still has the same effect on him, even after all those years they have been apart.

It took the usually controlled CEO to gain back his composure. Oh the Irony, Joshua laughed inwardly. Finally taking her advise, he closed his slightly ajared mouth shut. "Um. Well," Joshua felt like a fool. There he was just yesterday scolding Christopher  about being weak and here he was, acting like a complete imbecile infornt of the exact same person.

He needed an escape, he thought. That was when he remember that they had rudely start the meeting without him. He turned to the man who was undoubtedly lost to what was going on between them. "And who gave you permission to start the the meeting before I got here?" Joshua questioned Christopher, trying to look his usually composed self.

Before Christopher  had the chance to answer Samantha did. "I did," Joshua's head turned her direction so fast he probably gave himself whiplash.

"I said the meeting would be for ten, yet still at eight minutes passed you where still absent. I am a busy woman you Know Mr. O'Connor so I have little time to spear, you do understand don't you, sir. I mean being a man of your statue and all?"

To say that he's baffled would not be a suitable word to describe how Joshua felt. He could tell that she has matured. "Yes, sure. Miss. Jones?" He said,  his eye catching the that sparkled from here finger.

"Good." Now that all the formalities are out of the way, why don't we continue the discussion then!" It was more of a demand than a question and Joshua knew better than to challenge her. Being that they still had the young lad present, whom Joshua has made a fool of himself of in front of earlier.

"lets" He agreed sitting a crossed from them. 

"OK then, lets get to it." Samantha flashed a smile at him, which he gladly accepted. "The boiler that was originally intended to be used for this hotel won't do. For a six hounded room hotel, plus the kitchen and other areas of the hotel a boiler of this size will not do. If you proceed with the original plan you will lose, the thing will be subjected to constant overheating and eventually explode. People might get hurt and then you will have law suit after law suit pilling up on you. So its your choice." She made it short and direct, cutting right to the chase. Even though it was a  mouth full which both Christopher and Joshua were still processing.

Samantha gave them a few more seconds. Christopher was mesmerized be Samantha's little speech, Joshua on the other hand, have always known that she was an intelligent individual, who always knew what she wanted and went for it. He could tell that the Samantha sitting across him she got just that.

Christopher was the first to break the silence. "Ok and how do we go about making the changes?"

"Simple. I do the calculations and tweak the drawing a little, then sign off on it." Samantha said it as if it was as easy as frying an egg. "So Mr. O'Conner, what are your thoughts on the current revelation?" She was teasing and she knew it, but it was fun.

"Please go ahead and make the necessary alterations that is needed, but the deadline still stands Mr. Dean." he looked over at Christopher. Joshua got back that sense of control that had miraculously flew off the moment he saw Samantha's face.

"Yes sir"

"good, is there anything else Miss. Jones?" Joshua didn't wish for this meeting to end but his stubborn nature and his ego got the best of him. He had to demonstrate his authority one last time.

"No sir, everything else seems to be in places."

"Good, then this meeting is adjourned" The hurry that Joshua ended the meeting in, he wasn't sure if it was because he wanted to get back to his office, where he could compose himself properly or was it that he could talk to Samantha alone. Find out how has she been, tell her how beautiful she looked in that pencil skirt, that so delicately hugged her thighs.

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