Chapter Six

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"You look beautiful as always, my love" Joshua spoke close to Samantha's ear as he admired the dress that so delicately hugged her upper body, leaving just enough cleavage for the eyes to get their fill. He placed a kiss on one of her exposed shoulder causing Samantha's eyes to flutter shut, welcoming the sensation that his lips brought.

"You don't look half bad yourself." Samantha's brown eyes met with his through the mirror that stretched to half the width of the bathroom wall, In an intense stare.

Joshua cocked his eyebrow, encouraging Samantha to face him. "Half? Just half, Miss. Jones?" He gave her a half smile.

Samantha rapped her arms around his neck, saying nothing as her eyes stayed planted on his lips. That was one of the many things that she had missed about him, she could remember the countless of dreams she had of his lips on hers. "Ok. Maybe not half. You look dashing, Mr. O'Conner "

The smile not once left his lips, the lips that Samantha was yarning to taste. "That's my girl" Joshua was teasing her, he wanted  her to beg for him to make contact."is something wrong!" Joshua asked her in mocked concern. It was a cruel move on his path but so was life.

Samantha brought their lips crashing together with a tug on his shirt. The feeling was indescribable, it is truly puzzling the effect his lips had on her. Despite the fact the they had been apart from each other for so long, nothing changed. The fire still burn as hot as the fires of hell and the desire as intense as before. Time had done nothing to cool the flames of there desire for each other. 

Pulling back reluctantly, Samantha ran her tongue over her already moist lips tasting him one more time. "I think we should head back before someone comes looking for us" She turned back to the mirror to fix the hair that had fallen from her bun.

"Where do you think your going? Now a kiss like that just doesn't end like that" With both hands on the counter, trapping her in place, Joshua lean into her pressing himself so she could feel the strain in his pants. "What  would you say to me taking you right now. Right here in this bathroom, with you bent over this counter?"

 Samantha couldn't manage a single word, she was too caught up in how sensual and dirty his words felt against her neck. Joshua love the effect that he had on her body. Slowly his hand sneaked up her thigh, hiking the black lace dress up to waist earning a gasp from Samantha . "you would love that wouldn't you!" only managing a nod of agreement, Samantha's eyes where still glued shut.

Joshua's choice of love making when it came to Samantha was the slow and sensual type but right now he wanted to take her hard and fast. Joshua's long fingers travelled to her most intimates place slowly, not wanting to miss a touch. At the same time his lips tasted skin on her neck.

When Samantha realized Joshua's motive her eyes open, with wide eyes she looked at him. The grin on his face warned her that there was mischiefs ahead. "Joshua, stop. Remember that everyone is just down the hall"

"Then I guest you will have to just be quiet then" One. Samantha was pushed down on the counter for support.

"Joshua....sto-" Two. Her mind went elsewhere when he added a second finger. Samantha tried her best to muffle her moans but could bearly muffle her cry.

"That's my girl" Joshua whispered in her ear. "Now be a good girl and stay still. That is unless you want someone passing by and ear you?"

Samantha bit down on her bottom lip. If that were to happen she didn't think that she would be able to face them.

"Just let me please you to the best of my abilities, Miss. Jones" 

"o...ok" the in and out motions of his fingers caused her to sink even further into the counter. Samantha found it difficult to muffle the sound when he added speed. She would never live down such embracement if someone caught them in the bathroom, in his parents house getting off. Joshua on the other hand didn't care if he had an audience; make things even more exciting. 


Did Joshua just call me mom? Samantha questioned but didn't really cared, as long as he didn't stop doing what he was doing she was fine with it.

"Mommy, wake up"

The voice called again "" who could be calling her at a time like this, when she was about to get laid.

What? is that.....? oh damn. In her hurry to get up, she got tangled  into the sheets and with a thud Samantha crash into the floor. "Aww" thanks to the cushiony feel of the duvet rapped around her the impact was less painful. When Samantha had made no sighs of getting up, little footsteps could be heard running towards her.

"mom...are you ok?" Samantha peeked up at her son, meeting the most beautiful shade of brown eyes. The sun light that flooded through the glass windows emphasised there colors, giving off the effect as if they where glowing. "momma?"

Samantha pull Amari down onto of her embrace and he giggled as she tickled every inch of his little body. That was one of her favorite parts of the mornings, waking up to her son's beautiful face. "You....made me....fall, Amari, so you must pay" Samantha said between laughs.

Amari wiggled in his mother's embrace trying to escape the assault. "Sorry....I'm sorry." He tried to catch his breath between each words.

"what's the secret word Amari? You must say it if you wish to be free from my tickles" Samantha declared. This was a regular thing for both Samantha and Amari, it was one of many ways they would use to make there bond even stranger.

" you" Amari gasp.

Samantha paused bringing her ears closer to his face. "I'm sorry but I didn't quit catch that one baby" Samantha allowed him ample time to catch his breath before he repeated the words much louder this time.

"I love you mommy"

"That's my boy, I love you too" The first day when she found out that she was pregnant; she rushed from the class room straight for the bathroom, where she had released a portion of her insides into one of the toilet bowls. Samantha was scared, worried, happy, a flood of different emotions. She couldn't tell Joshua because she was afraid he was going to reject her; claiming that the chid wasn't him. She had went to the doctor to make sure that she was indeed pregnant and didn't just had stomach flu before she made any serious decisions. The moment it was confirmed she just upped and left. Not one word to him. The only persons who knew of her condition or whereabouts were Liz and her parents. 

Ever since that day she had not once regretted her choice. Yes she had left the man that she loved behind, give him no clue or anything as to why she just upped and left. Here she was, with one of the sweetest baby boys in the world, that any girl would kill to be in his presence. Samantha kissed his little olive cheek. "why don't we go see what grandma has prepared for breakfast, then we can discuss todays schedule"

Amari stood up, helping his mother to do the same but wasn't much help. He can hardly pull out the chair around the dinning table so how would he be able to pull her up. She wouldn't tell him that though, she just helped boost his ego by pretending as if he actually help her up with his own strength.

"Thank you baby," Samantha pat his head full of kinky curls. "now lets go before your greedy aunty eats everything before we get there, shall we." she said as she held out her hand for him to put his tiny one in.

"yes" Amari slipped his hand in his mothers much bigger one and gave her a cheeky grin.

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