Chapter Eight

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Samantha and Amari had a lunch date with her bestfriend- well Amari was the one that Liz had invited on a play date, Samantha merely tagged along because she had to drive her son to the Ice- cream shop. On there way to meet Liz, Amari made no attempt to hide his eagerness on stuffing his little tummy with every flavor ice-cream that the shop had to offer.

"and I wish to try- try the blueberry and chocolate ......flavored syrup wif the rainbow ice-cream and just a coop of strawberry ice-cream, and-and maybe some .......cookies sprinkled on top" Samantha Listen to the little boy as he ramble on about what he was going to get.

"Amari, don't you think that you may end up with a tummy ache after that ridiculous combination?" Samantha asked as she unbuckle his seat belt. "you might want to rethink your choice."

"Yes, but I want to try it still" he said determined

Liz was already sitting at one tables inside the shop. The little shop, painted in bubblegum pink and cherry red stripes was designed for the young at heart. Little kids ran carelessly around the shop with parents hot on there heels.

"Well, look who showed up on time. For once" Liz called out in a sarcastic voice.

Over the pass couple of years, Liz and Samantha still remained close friends. It was safe for Samantha to say that their friendship has grown much greater than it was before. "Iv been late once, Liz, once and how many times have been late, Miss. Perfect?" Samantha said with her hands on her hips.

"Don't use that tone with me young lady" Liz chirped. "anyways I didn't invite you here to look at your ugly face, I want to see my baby so move." Liz stood from her seat lifting Amari in a lung crushing hug.

"Hi aunt Lizzy." Amari said, this short arms barley making it around Liz's neck.

"Hey baby, how have you been, has your mom been feeding you, does she still not allow you to have a cellphone?" questions after questions shoot through the air, never giving him a chance to answer one.

"Liz, the boy is only three, what in the heavens above would he be doing with a cellphone?"

Liz glaring at her stubborn befriend was evident that she was annoyed. "Text me of course"

"well he wont be getting one anytime soon, it would just be a distraction."

"whatever buzz kill, this is why I'm the fun aunty that gives her handsome little man anything his little heart desires." Liz said with a peck on his cheek.

Samantha wore a serious expression on her face "Ok, but Liz, please if you have never listen to me before please lend me your ear now." Yea, Liz was always the fun one but most of the times her fun had consequences. "No crazy combinations please" she pleaded which she was sure didn't make it to her friends damaged brain. Liz only gave her a thumbs up and a wide grind. Which only signed the deal that she was going to do whatever she wanted to.

With a loud sigh, Samantha sat in one of chairs. What will I ever do with her, Samantha thought putting head in her palms with more force that she had intended to. She hit her left eye on her wrist, causing the pain to course through it and the throbbing only made it worst. "Shit" she cursed under her breath but the mother sitting at the table next to hers had caught her crude confession, in which Samantha gained a look of distaste. Samantha smile a the woman apologetic, still cupping her injured eye.


The voice sounded familiar but Samantha dismissed it as soon as she heard it. Maybe it was someone else in the shop that sheared the same name has her. 

"Miss. Jones?"

This time she was sure it was her, and at that realization she wanted to wither away in her chair. When she turned to face the owner of the voice, she saw Joshua standing there unfazed by the fact that he was standing in a cute, bubblegum pink room with rainbows pasted on the walls and various colour helium filled balloons floating over head. He was sporting his usual jacket suit, only the jacket was dangling across his shoulder by his rather tall index finger and the sleeves of his dress shirt carelessly pushed just above his elbows. So out of place he looked, except for the woman that was desperately attached to his arm.

"oh, hello there Mr.O'Connor"  Samantha said through gritted teeth, ones that she couldn't tell if they where caused by the fact that some woman was hanging from his arm or the throbbing pain in her eye.

"Is everything ok there?" Joshua asked, inkling his head to the hand that was still covering her eye.

"What?" Samantha asked still unaware that her hand was still covering her eye. "oh. This?" she mumbled point to the spot. "oh its nothing.......I just had a little accident. No biggy" 

A giggle sounded from Joshua's side witch forced both their attention towards it. The woman stood by his side proudly with her hands rapped around his arm. She was almost has tall as he was, her head a few inches below his. Her blond hair created a frame like for her small face; her eyes where shade of gray that you would see on a stormy day but at the same time reminds you of freshly polished silver.

"oh, Gianna, this is Samantha Jones she......"Joshua didn't actually Know if he should introduce Samantha as his ex girlfriend/almost fiancé, the woman that he loved......... is still in love with. lucky Samantha saw his distress and answered for him.

"I am currently working on a project at is company." Samantha elaborated.

"yes and this is Gianna Basil......."

"His fiancé, it is a pleasure to meet you, Samantha" She had her perfectly manicured hand pushed out for Samantha to take.

"Same, Gianna? its a rather, uh what should I say......unusual name." Samantha used it as a way to distract them so Joshua wouldn't see her shock, for she was surprised by the females declaration. His fiancé? Samantha repeated it in her head a few time to make sure she hadn't gotten it wrong. 

"yes, it means 'God is gracious'" She explained. The soft delicate voice in witch she said it made Samantha scoff. "It's Italian."

"So, Miss Jones what brings you here?"

"I should be asking you the same thing, sir" Samantha tried to hide her disappointment with a smile but it was more difficult to maintain when her eyes glimpsed the rock sitting on the woman's finger.

"Well he works too much and we have not been on a date for some time now" She looked up at Joshua with a eye scorching smile but his attention was on something else- more like someone else. "so I brought him here to have some ice-cream with me." Gianna continued by turning her attention to Samantha. "you know we met at an Ice-cream shop in Italy, he just looked so out of place"

Like he does now? Samantha laughed at herself. While his fiancé was busy shearing their ice-cream shop romance, Joshua on the other hand seemed uncomfortable and remorseful. Samantha couldn't help but wonder if he was feeling sorry for her- for he had no need to. The two of them had parted ways years ago.

The longer she stood there the more she wish if she could just disappear. Liz who appeared at her side seemed like a God at that moment.

"Hello, Joshua are you lost or something?" Liz asked him looking around the shop probably checking if they where still in the ice- cream shop.

"not quit." Joshua eyes darted towards an unaware Amari, who was so deep in his ice-cream he hadn't the chance to look up. "off stealing children again Liz?" Both Samantha and Liz literally froze in there spots.

Joshua stooped down to the distracted little boy. "did this lady take you and bribed you with ice-cream?" Joshua asked him. when Amari look up perching brown eyes and a feel of familiarity hit him.

"We should probably be going." Liz hit Samantha on the shoulder but her statement was directed to the two person standing before them. "Come on baby" Liz called out to Amari as they rushed to the door.

"Oh, Miss. Jones do remember that we have a meeting at eleven" Joshua called out as he recovered from his little episode.

Samantha stopped at the door allowing Liz and her son to exit first."I'm sorry but we will have to reschedule that." then Samantha was following behind Liz through the door. Why, why, why? why did he have to be there, he almost ruined everything. Thank the lord above for Liz, Samantha thought to herself as she whip the sweat from her brow with the back of her hand.

Hey guys here is another, hope y'all liking it so far.

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