Chapter Sixteen

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Since Samantha's return, along with her unexpected surprise, things have been looking up for Joshua. For some reason work was flowing smoother than ever and he had the feeling of purpose, not just obligation. Joshua would count the minutes for the sun to rise.

However, that was not as exciting as he wanted it to be. Things took a turn for the worst. 'Joshua O'connor, CEO of O'Connor's Enterprise, has bastard child with long time fling.' He read the head line of the morning paper with distaste. Plastered across the front of the paper, in bold and a color that the eyes couldn't miss even if they wanted to.

Angry? No. Disappointment? Yes, but not in them rather in himself. He planned on telling his parents about Amari numerous of times, but how does one go about telling their parents about a secret child. One that you yourself had no clue about until recently. Joshua's mother would flip and his father would probably lecturer him about causing his mother to flip. He knew that eventually the truth would have made its way to the public eyes...and ears. After all he has been spending a large amount of time with Samantha and Amari. Any fool would put two and two together.

Rocking back in his chair Joshua ran his large hands over him face. Not only does he have to deal with his parents, he has to take on Samantha as well. Being superstitious was never his things, however he could tell that something wasn't right when he got up that morning.

With his back to the door, Joshua was trying to regroup his thoughts and figure what was going on and what will when everybody finds out. He was pretty sure that majority of the people he didn't want finding out probably already knew.

"What the hell Joshua?"

And let the blood shed begin, Joshua though to himself. To say that he wasn't startled would be a lie, his heart skipped a few beats when he realized who it was. Hell, if he was sure enough, he had died for a second but hell decided that it couldn't deal so they sent him back. Turning in his chair he greet Samantha with a smile. "Well, hello to you too love."

Samantha had a look of disbelief on her face at his calmness. "Hello? We ain't on no damn phone Josh-ua." She had put grate stress on his name, pronouncing each syllable. "While your up in here, in the comfort of your office, my name is being dragged through shit."

"Love, you need to take a breath." He sheepishly grind at her. Something about a fired up Samantha always got him.

"Don't Love me" Samantha said in her best British accent. "I wake up this morning to Liz setting my phone ablaze, why?" She toast the paper from her too tight grip onto his desktop. "That's why love" She whisper yell.

He didn't have to look at it for he already knew what it was.

"Have you seen this"

"Yes I have. What of it?" He asked nonchalantly.

"What of it?" Samantha repeated the question to herself as if not understanding. Her face went from raging volcano getting ready to erupt to calm tides washing up to the beach shore. It seemed calm but sent off the opposite feel and Joshua knew he had to immediately changed his approach.

"I mean, it's just a headline Samantha, no harm done."

"Really? Who the hell uses the words 'bastered child' anymore? What is this like the forties or something. My son is......"

".....our son Samantha," Joshua stopped her rant to correct her. "you keep forgetting that he is our son, not just yours or not just mines, but ours."

She was taken aback by his reaction, she was the one who came barging into his office without even knocking. She is the one that should be angry, but yet still there he was getting upset over a misphrased sentence.

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