Chapter Two

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The car stood at the front of the building, Joshua had been sitting in the car for a full five minutes. He was never the sentimental type but circumstances.  He gazed up at the building mostly constructed from glace. what was his father thinking when he chose the design, he questioned himself.

Roy inspected the younger man sitting in the back seat of the car. He had known the Joshua before took his first of many breaths to come. He could tell that the young lad was deep in thoughts, but about what exactly? I guess just facing that rocky patch that all relationships go through, Roy snicker, never able to fathom the relationships of this century.

"So will we just sit out here for the entire day?" Roy smiled through the rear view mirror at Joshua a deep in thoughts.

Joshua said nothing for awhile, still staring through the heavily tinted glass. "I would love that but I have a work to do." he forced his neck to look at his driver.

"Shall I?" Roy questioned going to open his door to get out.

"No need to bother yourself with such simple task, I rather you no use up what little strength you have left." Joshua joked, grabbing his bag from off the seat next to him as he climbed out of the car.

With a hearty laugh "worry yourself not with my age my boy, for plenty wish they will live as long as I"  and Roy was right with his statement, many wish to live that long with the sighs of old age barely present.

Joshua continued towards the building with looking back at his longtime friend. As Joshua walked to the elevator, people greeted him every five second. It gave him a sense of pride boosting his ego a notch higher, it was annoy at times for him.

"Good morning sir" Trisha stood from behind her desk as Joshua approach the door to his office. Her smile as bright as ever one of many things he appreciate about her.

"Morning, Trisha. Any messages?" He asked the perky girl as he walked to his office, her hot on his heel.

"well Mr. Chung called to inform you that the documents have been review and signed, they will be submitted by dusk. oh, the meeting with the engineer will be in conference room number two in....." Trisha looked down at her wrist where a small silver watch sat. " ten minutes"

He stopped in front of the desk "huh?" was his response not at all enthusiastic about the meeting. He sat on the table with his legs crossed at the ankle. "Fine" but Trisha still stood before him with a worry expression on her face. She knows that she shouldn't pry for he did not invite her play therapist but as his secretary.

Joshua sensed the unease. "is there something else?"

Maybe I shouldn't , Trisha told herself but at the same time she felt a strong need to. "well"

It was understandable why the usual vibrant girl turned timid all of a sudden, Joshua hard inquisitive stare did little to clam her nerves. Impatiently he tilt his head to the side waiting for her to spill whatever it was that was on her mind.

"well, sir, the thing is that I couldn't help but notice that you seem a little...... upset this morning." She finished but when Joshua said nothing, she immediately felt regrets. "Don't get my intentions wrong sir. I'm simply just concern and wanted to know if I could offer my assistance in any way. Sir" still no response, so there and then Trisha was convinced that she was about to get fired for bring inquisitive. Joshua on the other hand wasn't that stupid, to fire someone because of there genuine concern for him. If anything he was more surprised that she was brave enough to ask him such personal question.

He decided that it was best to put her out of her misery. "Thank you for your concern Trisha, but I am fine but if I ever need your help I will be sure to let you know."

A sigh of relief and the vibrant smile was back again. "Yes sir"

"Good," Joshua pushed from the desk and walk around it to his chair. "Now you can stop fretting about me and put all of that energy into you work if you really want to see me happy"

Trisha knew he meant no arm by it. "yes sir, oh the meeting, you have five minutes to get to the conference room."

"huh! its my meeting, they wouldn't dear to start without me." He got comfortable, he thought maybe he could rest his eyes before the meeting.

"But" Trisha protest.

"If your in here, who is out there taking calls?" Joshua peeked up at her though the long lashes that shaded his eyes.

Trisha realized that she had abandoned her post far too long and rushed through the door, back to her desk.

After he failed to actually get any rest before the meeting, Joshua came to the conclusion it would be best o just get the meeting over with. But his journey to the conference room said otherwise. Lesurlrly, he walked to the conference room where the meeting was schedule. 

A few feets away he could see through the glass door that meeting was in full swing. The two individuals behind the door, in deep discussion about whatsoever was in a folder laying open on the glass table. The male figure he could see clearly and he identified him as Christopher. But the female he could not get a good look at her because back was turned to the door. Something about her felt familiar to him, maybe it was her wildly coiled hair with the slightest color of amber at the end or her way he skin reminds him of the brown color of the earth. Then it came to him whom she reminds him of. Surly it couldn't be, he told himself.

Secretly Joshua was hoping that it was whom he was thinking, but didn't want to get his hopes up, only to have it shattered. Tentatively he approached the door, praying to God above that she was actually there. That God had finally decided to take him off the naughty list and have things go his way for once.

He pushed the door open, not wanting to torture himself any longer. Joshua just wanted to get it over with, like ripping a band aid off in one go. When he walked into the room both of them looked up at him and his guess was right, he froze. Looking up at him, through beautiful brown eyes that had seem to have gotten even more captivating over the passage of time or was it because it has been five years since he's looked into them.

Sorry I took soo long guys I was having some problem with my laptop(still is) I didn't want you guys to wait any longer. But I hope you guys like it.

Don't forget to vote and omment.


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