Chapter Fourteen

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How do one interduce a child to his father they've never met? The one that had miss the first, second birthday, the first step. The though had been plaguing her since she got home from Joshua's office. Samantha thougth of introducing him to Amari as her friend, but then Joshua's face popped up in her head, his angry disapproving face scolding her. Despite the seriousness of the situation Samantha couldn't help the giggle the left her lips at the mental image. With the littleshe felt her mind relaxed a little, but it was short lived. Amarie's voice brought back her earlier concern.

"Mommy, you ok?" Amari asked from the back seat of the car.

Samantha's laughter melted away as fast as it came. "Yes. Mommy is fine, just remembering something." she said, looking back at him through the rear-view mirrow at her son. "We are almost there, so don't fall asleep. Ok!"

"Mmm-uh" he hum.

Continuing down the path, her mind wondered back to her earlier thoughts. She was so confused about the situation that she had to talk to someone. The first person that came to mind was her crazy bestfriend Liz. Though crazy she could be, Liz loves her and so do Samantha.

"What did he do to you sam?" Liz pulled Samantha into her arms, invading her personal space. "Did......did he rape you?" She gasped dramatically and wispered. She had Samantha so close her chest, she was being sufficated by her near non-existence breast

Samantha wished if it was so. If he had indeed rapped her she wouldn't be looking the way she did. Hell she's sure if it was so it would be her doing all the raping. "No Liz! The man did not rape me. But I am feeling mulested right now" she said, muffled againts her friends breast.

Liz held Samantha at arms lenth, looking her over. "Are you sure he did'nt touch you? You look......frazzled."

"I'm sure release me woman." Liz did as aked and let her go. "It's just that, Joshua wants me to take Amari over to his place for dinner and I don't know what to do. What will I tell Amari? Uh? How do I introduce him to his father?" Samantha finished, releasing a long and ragged breath. "I am so confused, my head feel as if it is about to explode." Samantha looked at Liz expectantly, hoping that she had some kind of wisdom to shear with her.

"Ok. That's a lot but you already know what to do Sam!"

"I do?" Samantha asked, confused.

"Yes. Tell your son the truth. He may be a child but he is a smart one. He will understand if you explain the situation to him the correct and simple way. If you lie to him it will only cause him to be confused and probaly hate you later on in the future."

Samantha did just that, told her son about his father. The reaction that she got from him was soothing. Amari was excited, his eyes grew wide when she had told him that he would be meeting him.

The car pulled up at the house and a new wave of nerves hit Samantha. Harder this time. She peaked a look back at her son, excitement still ripe in his eyes.

"You ready?" Samantha questioned Amari, as she closed the car door. He smiled up at her with a wide grin, his curly hair bouncing with his head. "Ok, lets go then."

The walk to the front door felt like the walk to the heavens gate, long and nerve racking. The door swang open before their feet were properly planted on the final step. The grin on Joshua's lips when he saw Samantha standing before him, had her wanting to taste them.

"Hey!" Samantha greeted.

"Right on time, Love." Joshua's grin grew.

"Yes. Whatever. Anyways......" Her attention darted to Amari standing next to her. "Joshua, this is Amari, Amari this is the man that I was telling you about" Samantha's nerves came back, jolting her stomach back to life. She watched as brown eyes inspected each inch of Joshua that was visible.

"Hello Amari!" Joshua said, bringing his hand forward. Typical of him. The little boy ignoring his gesture and brought his own hand up to Joshua, surprising both of his parents.

Samantha examined her son's fold fingers, exchanging a 'I don't know' look with Joshua.

Amarie's fingers came undone and Samantha saw the contents in his plam. Realizing what was happening, a knowing smile graced her lips. Her son could be strange sometimes but that made her love him even more.

"Here!" Amari lightly thrust his hand for Joshua to take the contents, but he hesitated for a moment. Looking down at the tiny red bear shape in his hand.

When samantha saw his reaction, she couldn't help her smile even more at his naive state. Never would she think that there was something in this lifetime or the one to come, that Joshua had not experienced. But there he was, completely dewy- eyed at the candy bear in Amari's hand.

"It's called a gummy bear Joshua, it's candy. Take it." Samantha smiled.

Joshua quickly took it from Amari's hand. Holding it between his thumb and index finger. Every now and then he would squish it between his fingers, eyeing it with curiosity.

"Try it Joshua!" She giggled at him, prompting him to put it in his mouth.

Joshua looked from Amari's observant eyes to Samantha's amused one's. With determination in his eye's, he eyed the bear one last time then tossed it into his month, chewing slowly.

"Well?" Samantha couldn't hold back her curiosity any longer. "How is it?"

"Chewy........and sweet. I like it." Joshua smiled and Amari returned it. Amari finally gave him the satisfaction and shook his hand.

"Now that the formality are out of the way, how about dinner?" Joshua said.

"Remember, I'm not staying. I'll be back to get ......."

Joshua cut off her sentence before she could finish. "Amari wouldn't you like it if your mother stay for dinner?" Joshua flashed a devious smile.

"Joshua!" Samantha warned through gritted teeth.

"Uh-uh." The little boy nodded his head. "Will you stay mommy?"

Joshua knows how to play any game and he always finds a way to win, even if he has to use other methods. He fold his arms over his broad chest. "Yes mommy, stay" he taunted.

If she could refuse Joshua, she couldn't refuse his offspring. "Ok baby, I can stay with you"

"Thank you mommy" Amari hugged her side.

"You're welcome." Her smile died when she looked over at Joshua.

"Mommy!" He mocked. "This way please." Joshua stepped aside for them to pass.

"I'm going to hurt you" Samantha whispered as she passed him. Her words only made him smile.

"Try me!" He dared her, smirking devilishly.

Another one for my beautiful and faithful readers. Thank you for your patience and interest, I appreciate them very much. You guys are wonderful.

BY THE WAY, I was eating gummy bears while writing this. That's inspiration for you.

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