Chapter Fifteen

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Dinner was better than one would think it would have been. The awkward cloud drifted to the room on a few occasions . When Amari asked why they weren't living together and why he never saw Joshua until now. The questions almost choked Samantha, Joshua on the other hand on the edge of his seat, waiting to hear the excuse that she had.

She used work as her main excuse. When Joshua would try to intervene by asking stupid questions, Samantha would just kick him under the table. At one point she made a miscalculation and had kicked Amari by mistake. Joshua found the situation  fascinating and hilarious.

After they had finished eating, Amari had caught sight of Joshua's movie collection and suggested that they watch one together before they left. Samantha on the other hand wanted to leave as soon as Amari took his last bite.

"I don't know Amari, you would have to ask Joshua first. Plus I'm sure he has to get to bed early so he can get to work in the morning." She said to him and at that moment Joshua walked into the room.

"It's fine. I think we can squeeze a movie in." He came padding further into the room, "plus I'm the boss, I can go in whatever time I choose to." He  exchange a grin with his son, something that's was becoming familiar to Samantha. The similarities in their faces and characteristics were so vivid, down to the tiniest of details and It scared Samantha.

"Please Joshua, don't be telling him that"

"He is next in line for the position, don't you think that he should be informed!"

"I agree. But I don't want him thinking that things are just handed down to him without hard work."

"Well....for O'Connor's it is."

Samantha shook her head, stopping him from going any further. Punching him would be too easy.

"What?" He shurge.

"Can we just get a movie already!What should we watch baby?" Samantha smiled at her son.

"This one please" Amari held up a DVD with the words 'Clash of the Titans' printed on the front. The picture plastered on the front yelled 'Nightmare' to Samantha.

"I don't think you would like that one baby"

"Why not?"

"Because you will have nightmares." She decided to choose the movie herself. While she was going through the perfectly organized DVDs, her eyes met with familiar words that grabbed her attention.

"You still have that movie?" Samantha asked.

"Yes. Why wouldn't I? I do like the movie you know, I find it very....familiar. Wouldn't you agree love?" Joshua smiled.

She remembered the night they both watched it and the way she was being rude about it.

"Yea. I guess. How about this one Amari!"

Samantha quickly put in the DVD. "Just sit, I'll go get you some juice ok." She walked off to the kitchen, leaving them.

Why would he still have that stupid movie. Was he holding it for some sentimental reasons? Samantha thought. Surly she was over thinking the situation. It was his DVD after all so therefore he has the right to keep it as long as he wished.

Does he still watch it? Samantha questioned herself.

Along her line of thoughts she did not hear when Joshua came into the room.

"What are you thinking about?"

Samantha jumped, a sequel sounding from her throat.

"What the hell Josh?" Her hand flew to her chest, trying to calm her rapidly beating heart. "You shouldn't have startled me like that."

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