Chapter 2: Invitations are for Everybody

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"As much as I wanna see you in a cute princess-like dress, might I ask on who suggested to make your birthday party into a medieval fairytale?" Damien asked while they were on their way to the principal's office.

"Definitely not me, if that's what you are implying. It was Jazz's idea in the first place. It wasn't like how she imagined it to be though, I'm sure what she was talking about was fairies and ponies," she let him slide his broad arm on her shoulders." Anyway, my mother seemed to like the idea and my ever supportive father seconded. The end."

"And everyone is expected to wear masks and other uncomfy stuff? I can't believe everyone would be willing to do it." Damien took her small gray backpack as a gentlemanly gesture. "Well I guess, when it comes to you, I wouldn't be surprised if everyone goes there naked," he added with a teasing grin.

"You are disgusting!" she perkily scowled.

"Ah, but you love me anyway." he replied with a wink. They opened the door, leading to the principal's office and  both greeted his secretary who was in her mid-thirties. She motioned for them to sit down for a minute because the principal is still talking to somebody on the phone. They both sat down patiently on the soft sofa near the principal's room.

"Don't get your hopes up. I still got plenty of suitors." she added with her tongue out. He chuckled and replied, "True, true, but you forgot one teeny tiny detail kitten."

"Oh yeah? And what's that?" she asked.

He leaned over to whisper. "No one can make you blush so red like I do."

And just to prove what he said without meaning to, she was as red as a tomato. "Jerk!" she shouted and he laughed heartily.

"Am I allowed to come in?" he asked reluctantly.

"What? Are you at war with the principal or something?" she arched an eyebrow.

"If he is suspending you, I guess I will be, but I don't think that's gonna happen, so no. I just wanna make sure if it would be okay butting in to your conversations. Is it that private?" Damien hypothesized.

"That's so sweet Damster, but it's nothing like what you think it is. I'm just sending him my application letter for colleges I will be going to." Cheshire stated, her eyes seeking his. "Even now, I'm still debating where to go."

"Knowing you, I doubt finding a university to be accepted to would be such a big deal,"he smiled comfortably. "So if I were you, I wouldn't worry about it."

"How about you? Where would you wanna go?" she asked intertwining her hands with his.

"I don't know exactly."

She looked at him straight in the eyes." Don't you want to go to Princeton? We still have weekends if you want to meet up and hang-out."

He stared at her for a moment before saying, "Why are we even talking about this stuff, its not even prom yet and we haven't even graduated." She laughed at the dismissive comment. The secretary finally said that they can go in. They both nodded and entered the office.

As they got inside, Cheshire took the scent of the room which smelled like coffee. There were two office chairs near principal Arnold's desk and he was indeed sipping a cup of coffee. He was a tall built man in his mid- 50s and was wearing a casual shirt. He greeted them both with a genuine smile, the way old people do with children. The principal then motioned for them to sit down and she handed a small envelope to him.

Her conversation with the principal took longer than intended - far more than thirty minutes at most. The wrinkly old man can get too carried away with his regards sometimes. In the end, Cheshire invited the old geezer to her party.

"You know, inviting him wouldn't be fun." Damien finally said, hands on his pockets in a thoughtful stance. The entire time, he was silently sitting near the corner, watching them converse in a polite dialogue.

"Like I didn't think of that, but I still got manners, and I don't want to be rude." 

"An old man in the party? Definitely the best party crasher," he said sarcastically.

"Well if that's what you think Mr. Damster, then you should have said that to his face when we were in his office a while ago or are you just jealous because someone might take your title of being the center of attraction?" she replied with a mocking tone.

"Flattered," he rolled his eyes.

He held her hand and she squeezed it tight as they walked out of the hall to the parking lot. They were passing a group of delinquents when a sudden thought occurred to her.

She came to a halt. "Aren't you supposed to attend your football practice?"

He opened his mouth to speak when she said," Jordan was looking for you during our History class. Something about football practice today."

"Nah, I doubt they needed me around that badly," he shrugged then turned to her with a smile. "And besides, I need to help dad with something."

She hesitated to let the matter go for a moment before finally giving up. Damien was one of the star players in the university and she witnessed it with her own eyes every time she was invited to see his game.

People were staring notably but she decided to ignore them. Damien's red Camaro was finally seen from vision parked under the shade of a big tree. Damien let go of her hand to open the shotgun door for her. She smiled at the sweet gesture. Damien finally got to his seat and reached for his pockets for the keys.

She thought about her father's offer to let someone drive her over to school and fetch her out. Cheshire had imagined the daily scenario and realized she'd be uneasy about it. It was already enough people knew she was rich, there was no reason to accentuate it with other fancies.

Despite her being like a celebrity at the campus, if she had an option, she would rather have a low profile at the university.

They drove in comfortable silence, enjoying the ambiance and the fresh summer breeze.

Sometimes they would steal glances at each other and smile knowingly, feeling contentedly happy. Cheshire turned on the radio listening to 'Intoxicated' by the Cab, one of her favorites, and sang to the top of her lungs making Damien laugh.

Cheshire lived near the outskirts of town, away from the city view, but she liked the fresh and peaceful atmosphere. The drive didn't take longer than twenty-five minutes until finally the Branstone's family insignia finally came into view in the big steel gate. She spotted their beautiful garden and the big flowery bushes near the white pavilion.It had been their favorite hang-out.

The car finally stopped its gear, breaking her from her trance.

"We have arrived your Majesty." Damien spoke. He quickly went out and opened her door for her. 

Cheshire noticed that Damien was just leaning to his car." Aren't you going to go inside? Mom would love to see you."

"No, thanks. Dad wants me home early and I have to do some projects due tomorrow. Just say hi to Camille for me," he said with a smile and gave her a peck on the lips. Her mother asked him to call her by her first name ever since they dated, and he complied.

"I love you," he mouthed before motioning back to the car.

She smiled. "I like you too," she replied mockingly.

Damien faked a glare but finally gave in a laugh and drove off. She looked at his car drive off until it finally disappeared into view. She finally opened the large mansion door and walked to the long hallway oblivious to the pair of dark black eyes carefully watching her from the shadows.


Wonder who's the spooky figure? Keep on reading and find out. Love making these chapters. Stay tuned!


< Damien's picture on the right <3

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