Back on Track

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"Ugh! I'm so tired from all this walkin'!" Spike complains.

"Spike! You've been sitting on my back this whole time!"

"Well, just watching you get tired makes me tired."


"I dunno."

"Why don't you get off you're lazy butt and start doing your share, you idiot!"

"Hey! Why did you say that, Buster?"

"That wasn't me." I shiver.

"Yah? Then who was it?" A figure slowly creeps towards us.

"Spike? Should we get out of here?"

"No. Stay right where you are." The figure was now crystal clear.

"A wolf!" I scream. 

"Get em'." Another wolf leaps toward Spike and tackles him. Spike tried to quill him.

"It's not working!" Spike shouted.

"Hahaha, you're all outta quills, pipsqueak." The wolf howls.

"Get the puppy too." Another wolf charges at me. I jump out of the way, his face hits the ground. He spits out a tooth and gets up. He growls at me and charges. I jump over him as he is charging. He hits the ground again.

"That's it!" The wolf runs much faster then before. I try to leap out of the way, but he got me. "No one....NO ONE MESSES WITH THE WOLF PACK!!!!" I try to wiggle my way out of his clutch, but he only holds on tighter. 

" Why would you do this to me? What did I ever do to you?"

"It's not you, it's your stupid brother, Bud." Why does everything have to relate to Buddy! I thought.


"A long time ago, Bud told us that if we kill prey for him, he would return the favor and build us a den, along with you in it."

"Wait. You're telling me, that my big brother told you he would build you a shelter and told you that you could eat me?"

"Bingo. But he never built us that den, and he never came back."

"So why do you want me?"

"Because, you're gonna build us that den, and you're gonna be our dinner tonight."

"Right after we eat that porcupine."

"Good luck, he's got some really pokey quills that you have to pull out. Not gonna be an easy task." I chuckled. 

"Ouch, that seems like it would hurt."

"Yup. A lot."

"That's why we'll make you do it." I remained speechless.

"Boston, pick up that pup and bring to our soon to be den."

"Where's that, Alpha Mako?"

"Follow me." He must be the alpha male in this pack. Boston ( I think is his name.) picked me up with his mouth and started walking. I turn around to see Spike's body, limp and motion less. Oh no, this can't be.

"Spike!!!" I shout. A wolf walks beside us.

"Shhhh! Trust me. Spike's gone." A tear rolls down my cheek. Why is it when I finally don't  feel alone, boom, I'm alone again.

A Puppys WishWhere stories live. Discover now