Night IV

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I just wanna go to my Room... "Hey put that damn light out?!" Shouted Rei angrily, then she heard that something flew on the ground. "Damn Brat." "Obi??" She asked surprised. "At your service Artemis." He smiled at her. "Come we're going to your Room so that Tiara can make your hair, ok??" "Ok." She smiled gladly and took his hand. Then they leaved quickly. "Well you should have told me about that." He said while there where heading to the Room of Artemis. "I'm sorry." "I hope i have punched the right guy." "You did." "Good. You look just adorable with those ears." He smiled at her, so she turned all like a strawberry or tomato or even reder than that. "But explain to me why have you those ears??" "And Tail." She added. "...Really??" She noded. "How can i explain my curse?? It is a little bit complicated." "Just tell me already." "Ok, ok, i will tell, just let me think about it how i can tell you." After she thought about it she knows now what she is gonna tell him. "When i was little a witch put a curse on me, she hated my Parents and so she put a little curse on their youngest child. changing eye colours, Tail and ears like a fox, and the better sense." "And i wondered why do you have so good ears. Well that explained it all." "And are you sure it doesn't bother you??" "I'm with that. Well you look cuter with those ears." He said with a ear to ear grin. "You're really like a cat." She said with a surprised voice. "Tia can you please make my hair again." "But of course your-what is that fleabag doing here and you without anything to hide?!" "Well there was some kind of accident in the hall so he brought me here." "Eh?!" She looked shocked at the princess then to her aide. "What happend Milady??" She asked in a shock like state. "Nothing to be worried about, my dear brothers just handle it." She smiled. "Well something seems different about your Face Artemis." He then come closer to her Face to look at it correctly, the Princess begun the blush as red as a tomato. "You but some Make-up on, didn't you??" He asked her surprised. "You look better without Make-up. But you can do whatever you want." He liftet his shoulders up. "Tia please don't put my hair up." "But why Princess?? You need to hide them." "I think i need to overcome my fear about beeing an outsider. Obi will you help me??" She reached her Hand out to him. "As you wish my dear Artemis." He bowed to her. "First things first!! No hiding for Today just face everyone with it and say what is in your Mind." Tiara sighted and did a braid hairstyle. "I think everyone is searching for me." He noded for a split of a second. "Temi are you here?? It is just me, Shirayuki and Kiki and Mitsuhide." The Voice of her Brother Zen comes trough the door. "Come in." She said with a calm voice. Shirayuki looked surprised at her. "Oh that is kinda cute." She said while smiling. "Aren't you hiding them your Highness??" "No, i will face it and try not to hide." She smiled at them. "And i will help her." Added her aide. "So you trust now Obi??" Her Brother asked her with a evil smirk. What is he thinking right now??

"So can we go now Artemis??" Obi asked her. "Wait please." She ran in the Bathroom, Tiara followed her, when she came back her make-up wasn't there anymore. "I hate it to wear make-up." She replied while she gently smiled at the cat like man, he blushed a little bit. "You can go ahead we are coming right after you." Artemis said while smiling. The four of them leaved her room and walked in the direction of the hall. "Obi are you ready??" He noded and then they leaved the room like the others. "Say Obi...will you in the near Future leave my side??" She asked while looking down to the floor. "Nah, i like it here. And i Like you, so you don't need to worry." He smiled at her. "Really?? I'm glad to hear that." She softly smiled. He gave her a kiss on the Forehead wich makes her blushing all over her Face. "J-just what are you doing?!" She asked shocked. "Am i not allowed to kiss your Forehead Milady??" "Don't be so formal to me i hate it when you treat me like a Princess." She cried. "I know Shortie, but i like tessing you. But we are here." He let her first in, well he is a gentleman after all and she is his one and only beloved Princess. Everyone was dancing or chip chating with other or with her Lord Brother Izana. "I wanna turn back." She turned around to the entrance and wanted to leave, but she walked into Obi. "No turning back Artemis." He said. "But Obi...i'm scared." She looked with big glassy eyes at him, well they changed colour to but it is normal. "You don't need to be scared, i'm here, your Brothers are here too and Kiki, Mitsuhide and Shirayuki are here too!! So you don't have to be afraid my beloved Princess." He stroke her head gently. "So be Brave!! Like when we met." He smiled while turning her to the other side. She take some breath and then she walked towards the crowd of royalty people. "Hey wait for me!!" He followed her quickly. "First I need to talk with my Lord Brother." "About what??" "His stupid Idea that i should dance with Rei." Then the both of them searched for him and did not find him. "This hall isn't that big!! So where the heck is he?!" She asked angrily. "Dunno, maybe he found the right girl for him." "Maybe..." In the end they didn't found him. "I couldn't careless if we can find him or not." She said with a really annoyed voice. "I wonder why nobody has noticed you." "Good for me." "Hey don't be such a scaredy-cat!!" "Funny that you called me a cat, isn't it obviously that out of the two of us, you're the Kitty." She smiled. "So you wanna challange me??" "But of course not." She smiled and didn't stopp to smile, he sighted. She really has a beautiful smile. He softly smiled. "Ah there you're Temi." "Oh Lord Brother." "So you're with your Boyfriend all the time." "H-he isn't my boyfriend Lord Brother!!" She stammered from emberassemend. "But of course not." Oh well what a funny Brother i got there with his sarcastik jokes. She looked at him a little bit annoyed. "So you finaly decided not to hide??" "Yea. The time did come sooner or later." He noded in agreement. "Well everybody noticed it." "Oh i didn't hear their mumbling." She said surprised. "You where always talking with me Artemis." Obi smiled.

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