Night XII

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On Saturday she went with her aide and her brother and his aides plus Shirayuki to the Kingdom of Draco, the land where the Rulers of the dragons live, well that is what everybody told outside that Kingdom. They useing magic and alchemy and those things. "Welcome to the Dragons Claw Palace."

Artemis PoV:

Really they're calling their Castle Dragon Claw?! How stupid is that?! Well i followed with the others the Guard. I wonder what Rei wants from me or does his older Sister Mirai wanted to see me?? Well i don't know. They took us to our rooms and then we met the First Princess and the next Queen of Draco. "Long time no see Mirai." She bowed in front of the 20 year old Woman. "Artemis, you didn't have any cure for your cursed found." "Ah well...the Witch said nobody can heal it." "But then my dear Lady Mother the greatest Magician come visiting you and gave you a present." "Oh no not that story again..." I mumbled a bit annoyed. "You know exactly what gift you became from mother don't you??" "Yea i know it!!" "But it will remain things." "I know." "But hey good nose, ears and eyes are really cool." "Yea." "Hey what is the matter??" She put her arm from my shoulder. "Why did you wanted to see me??" "Well i need you help..." She walked to the big windows than glacing back to me. "I require your help as an assassine. The Swordsfighter Kina." " i stopped beeing a swordsfighter." "Ehh?! But why Artemis??" "Because i stopped..." I looked down on the floor. " Excuse my pardon. But may can i ask you your highness what is the gift from your Lady Mother to my dear Artemis??" "Is he your aide Temi??" "Some sort of...maybe more..." She noded slowly. "Well she said if Artemis finds true love and the person loves her truly or something like that. I forgot it most likely." I sighted just, and this woman is the new Queen of this Kingdom!! Everyone here is doomed!! "But it needs more then some Love." She smiled like a child. "So who are you exactly??" "My name is Obi...i am the aide for Artemis." "Ah really?? Why is my precious Artemis so blushing??" "I-i'm not blushing!!" I hissed at her. "So you two are more than just Princess and aide right??" "Yea some sort of." We said. "What means 'some sort of'??" He looked at me with an invisible question on his face, i noded slowly. "Yea a couple. Are you that stupid Mirai."

"I'm not stupid Temi!!" "Yea how ever. Do you need more from me??" "Well please think about it through." "Ok. I will oversleep it. See you tomorrow or something like that." "Goodbye your Highness." We leaved. "Ahh i don't wanna really do that job." I cried while stretching. "I actually didn't think of that you can fight with a sword. "Yea why not fighting with a sword?? That was the thing i thought about and learned swordsmanship. Now i fight with my daggers." I sighted a bit. "I will be in my Room. I'm to tired to go out ore something like that. If you need something just come through the balcony." "Ok my dear." He kissed me and went to his room, wich was right next to mine. Then i entered my room. I lied down to my bed and watched to the cielling. "Well it is beautiful here in Draco Kingdom..." I mumbled tired, then my eyelid falled slowly down. I fell asleep in my outdoor clothes...

Unknown PoV:

Silently i went to the Room of the First Princess of Clarines and opened the Room slowly. She sleeped. That is good. I walked in and lifted the sleeping beauty up and left the room. Quickly walking through the stair ways and the hall. Down to the basement to my magic/alchemy room. I put the princess down to the floor where a magic circle is. I smirked evil. Now i can start my experiment on her. I said a magic formula the circle began to glow and slowly she disappeared. "Ha!! It worked that was the Spell to Travell to another Dimensions!!" I laughed while the thunder raised his voice through the sky above. "Now no one can never see her again." I laughed and leaved the basement fast. I'm the best Magician now Mother!!
Reis PoV:
 It is me Rei!!
  I laughed in triumph.


The other find out about the disappearance from Artemis, so they started to search for her...but they didn't find her...

Artemis PoV:

Urgh myy head hurt...I turned around and tried to sleep but a ringing did disturb my sleep. "What the heck..." I mumbled and openend my eyes to a slot. That damn alarm clock. I throw it against the wall of my room and it broke and fall into the trash. Then i lyed down on Bed. "But why is my head hurting??" I mumbled. "Luna stand up already or you will miss the bus!!" "Yea!!" I shouted and crowled out of the bed and put on my clothes, brushed my teeth in the Bathroom and combed my blonde hair. Then i walked to the kitchen. I took my toast bread and my school bag and put on my shoes. "Bye i'm leaving." "Have fun Luna." "Thanks, you too." I then leaved, while i was walking to the bus stop i ate that toast bread. It is a little bit strange...i don't feel like that my Name ist Lunara Alvaré i'm still half asleep... "Good mornin'Lunara!!" I turned my head around. "Ah hello Mikaela." "So how did you sleep??" "Hm...i don't know... i feel like hitting my head on something." "Ah really??" I noded slowly. "Hm...don't worry it was just imagination." "If you say so..." Then the bus came and we went in, driving to school. "First lesson History." I sighted. "Greek Mythologie Lunara." Yui said smiling. "Look how beautiful this Goddess is!!" She showed me in our History Book a picture of one of the 12 Gods from the olymp. "Artemis huh??" "Yea isn't she gorgous?? I wish that i was named after her." She sighted dreamfull. "But your Name means Moon right??" I noded slowly then i watched out of the window. >Artemis!!< I turned my head around, i just heard a Voice or am i going crazy?! But why did the Voice called out Artemis, more importanly is that the voice sounded so familiar with me...The lesson begun and i looked out of the Window. >Welcome First Princess of Clarines, Artemis Wistaria.< Again a Voice in my head i'm crazy!! Yea right i'm crazy!! I tried to concentrate to the Lesson. The Teacher was talking about the incest from the old gods of the greek mythologie...well most likely did zeus do that incest.

Artemis was the daugther of zeus and Leto a human. She has a twin Brother Apollo. That is what i got out of the brabbeling from the Teacher.

So what do you think did happen to our dear Artemis?? Write it down on the comments or what ever. That was for Today with the Chapters!! See ya and have fun

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