Night VI

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"So you lived here right Shirayuki??" She noded. "It is really beautiful here." "I know. But i like it in Clarines more." "Hehe...because of my Big Brother Zen." "B-but not of course only Zen!!" She stammered while she was blushing. "But you should confess your love to your aide!!" "Ehh?!" She said shocked. "Just for your Information Shirayuki...he loves already someone other." She looked down on the ground. "Did he say who it is??" She shacked her head. "Then it could be you if he didn't want to tell you." "You think so??" Excited she looked at the red head. "Yea, but let us do some shooping." She noded so then they visited some shops. "How about that??" Artemis asked her while she but on a funn looking hat. So Shirayuki began to laugh. "It looks ridiculous on you." "Haha i know." She replied while laughing. "What dress did you brough from home??" "Just wait for tomorrow Shirayuki." She smiled and looked at the jewelry. "Hm...i need new daggers..." She mumbled while she looked at the jewelry. "Oh hey Artemis look." Artemis looked around to her best friend, she held an necklace in her hand, It has a Heart pendant. "This one would suit you." She smiled while saying it, she shacked her head. "Why not??" She liftet up her shoulders. "But how about friendship bracelets??" She asked the red haired girl. "Oh they're really cute and simple." Artemis hold two silver bracelets in her hands. The two bracelet have each the half of a heart , on on of them stands Be and Frie and on the other st and nds. "Should i buy them??" Shirayuki noded fast of excitement. After she bought them they leaved the jewelery and put on the Bracelets. "Next station the weapon shop!!" While Artemis sounded really excited. So everyone looked at them with a irriated look. Quickly they got to the weapon shop. "Oh my why are so beautiful Ladies here in a shop like this?? Do you want to buy weapons for your Lovers." "Well i want to buy new daggers for me." With a cold face the princess looked at the shop owner.

"But you know weapons aren't for girls." "Just for your info i am skilled as an assassine trough out that i am a girl." "O-ok...what weapons do you need Miss??" He asked her scared. "I need daggers that i can bind to a string. She put up her sleeves. "Ah that is your fighting style then?? I will look for some." "Artemis you didn't fight often, so why do you need new daggers??" "Well i do accept some assassination jobs." "That explains why you aren't often in the castle right??" She noded. "What kind of jobs are you making??" "Capturing bandints, find criminals or kill them. Half of the reward i take for me and the rest or more is vor the villages who need it." "You are a kind hearted person Artemis. Wait did you this week a job?!" "But of course not, one day before we left Clarines i came back from a Job!! And i haven't time to shop new weapons so i'm buying it today and right now." Later on the shop owner came back and showed her a collection of dagger blades. And after she bought some and stored them in her Pocket, wich was on her leg, they left the shop and walked around the city. "You said i smell like herbs??" "And apples." She added with a smile. "You have a sweet and a bitter smell i like it." She smiled at her best friend. "Oh isn't that Obi??" "Where??"  "Right there." She pointed at a black haired man. "Oh it is really him." She sounded surprised. "But what did he want to do in front of the jewelry??" She asked Shirayuki, she liftet her shoulders up. "Dunno, are we going to spy him??" "But of course not." She said with a sarcastic voice. "We're doing it??" "Yea." Their traget entered the shop and the both of them looked in the windows of the shops. "So do you have any ideas Artemis??" She shacked her head a little bit. "But i can't see what he is doing." She sounded upset. "Crap he is coming." She took Shirayuki and fleed quickly. "He bought something." "Maybe for the girl he loves." "Don't break my heart Shirayuki." "Oh sorry."

"He is heading back to the castle." "So what do you think he wanted here??" "Dunno." They came out of the dark alley. "Oh no look he take a child as hostage!!" Cried some people. So the two girls went looking. "Get out of my way!!" Ah man held a weapon against the head of a little girl, the girl cried and asked for her mother. "Mira!!" Her mother cried out while someone holds her back or she would die. "Leave the little girl." Artemis said with a cold voice. "Get out of my way. Or i will shoot this kid and you too." "Try it to shoot me." He laughed and pointed his gun towards her. "You're gonna to die girl." He laughed. The people make some big distance. "Artemis don't do stupid things!!" Shirayuki said worried to her. "Don't worry i will be alright." She smiled a little bit. Poor guy he doesn't know who his oppenent his. Before he shoot at her, she jumped up and took he daggers out wich was attached to the String around her arm. The one pierced trough his Hand so he let the gun out while blood tripped down on the sone ground and with both of them she binded him. The Girl meanwhile was free when he became the dagger in his hand. She landed back on the ground and hold on tight the string. "You bitch." "Oh please you are just weak. Don't blame me for losing against a Woman." "Mira!!" The Mother of the little cried happy out while hugging her precious daugther. "Thank you miss for saving my daughter." "Thank you sister." The Girl said and hugged her. "No Problem." "What is your name sister??" "My name is Artemis." She smiled at the girl. "Thank you very much Sister Artemis." They left and some soldiers take the man hostage. "That was pretty amazing Artemis." Shirayuki sounded impressed. Then they walked through the down, later they walked back to the castle. "What a excited day today was!! Don't you think so too Shirayuki??" "Yea sure it was interesting." They walked through the castle. "Where on earth have you two been??" Obi asked the both of them." "...In the Town." "In the Town?! Why did you left without telling anyone?!" "Well we told Sakaki, and it was just the town Obi." "There was a man who held a hostage and a gun." "I know. Wait why did you know it??" "I just saw him with soldiers who was cursing about someone here."

Be my Goddess. (Akagami no Shirayuki hime FF) (ObixOc)Where stories live. Discover now