Night XIII

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Artemis/Lunaras PoV:

But when i think about it, Artemis is a beautiful name actually...i looked back to the board. I can't read her bad handwriting. Well it does look really horrible. The school glock rung and everyone packed their bag and runned out of the room. Yui and Mikaela are waiting for me. "It is kind of scary...ninth class..." "Next year graduation. What do you want to do Lunara??" Asked me Mikaela, i lifted just my shoulders. "Dunno. Maybe be a princess or an assassine." I said as an joke. Well i have that feeling that this is somehow true, but it don't know i just fell strange that is all. "We have now PE." I groaned. "I don't wanna..." "Ah thats right you're not good in sport." Laughed Yui. "Yeah just make fun of me." I said a bit annoyed, while we where walking to the gym. In the divided changing rooms we changed our clothes and walked to the gyms hall. "Why did we choose self defense for the first half year??" I asked Yui. "To defend ourselfes from strangers!!" After we changed we walked to the gym hall.

"First we have a little Match!! Lunara Mikaela come to the Arena!!" I walked to the Arena, in front of me was Mikaela a boy who loves me, but it is a one sided love...i fell like my heart belongs already to someone else. The Signal started and he attacked me, but i quickly grabbed his wrist and twisted it to his back and pushed him down to the floor. Why am i so fast and strong?! And why do i smell different things?? Like that digusting sting of the sweat from the teacher. Or the sweet smells of the girls?? And why do i hear talking bad on me or hear the cars that shouldn't be able to hear?? Quickly i walked back to Yui, she has a really sweet smell like a orchid or something like that. Oh crap why do i even smell it?! After sport we toke a  shower and got back to school.

Storytellers PoV:

They found out who was at the fault because of Artemis disappearence. It was Rei the Prince of Draco. They forsed him to bring them where Artemis is, he do it because yea he is scared of his older Sister. Now they're in modern life, what for us is called reality. "Oh my Gosh the school is on fire!!" Shouted someone. They entered the school yard and saw the school building on flames. They where many Students out of the building. "Lunara, Yui and Clarise isn't here." "Oh no they must be still in the Building." The Teacher said shocked. "Maybe they are on the fourth floor. There isn't no fire." "Well maybe..." Somehow irritated they looked at each other.

Artemis/Lunaras PoV:

We coughed while holding our hands on our mouth and nose. It is really smoky here. I opened the classroom door from the fourth floor. No smoke no fire, we quickly entered it and closed the door. "What should we do...we will die here." Paniked Yui. "Please calm down Yui i will find a way to come out of here." I opened the window and looked around. "They're some is bad...but good for me..." I mumbled while making a plan, i turned around to them. "Clarise, Yui do you trust me??" They noded slowly. "So do not say anything about my plan, Just come to the window." They walked to me, they looked scared and where a bit pale. "So do you see the trees out there??" They noded, i loosed the strings on my arms. A dagger came out. "Why on earth do you carry weapons with you?!" Asked the two of them shocked. I lifted up my shoulders. "But i have the feeling that i'm used to them." I sounded hopeful while holding them. Then i turned around to the Windwo and jumped into it. I throw the Dagger on string, it was pinned into the tree. I pulled at the string, it did not came out, that is good. "Please climbed at the string to tree there, then you can slowly climbing down the tree." I could here the People outside who where crying. "Go on ahead, i'm coming right after you." I smiled at them. "Ah before i forgott it." I smiled at them. "I'm not Lunara. My name ist Artemis Wistaria, Princess of Clarines. I do not belong here, but i want to help you. So now hurry up before the fire comes to his room!!" They didn't say anything and climbed down the string. After they where down on the ground i pulled at the string, after i put some strenght on it, it felled out. Yui screamed shocked, for what i had done. Well i needed to remove it, because of the flames. But i can is a bit far away but i should handle it.

Storytellers PoV:

"Is there still someone??" Zen asked the two girls who came down the tree. They noded slowly and pointed to the open Window. "Yes Lunara is up there." "I wouldn't think that she would remove that dagger from the tree." Said one of the girls. While looking up. "Eh what the...what is she doing?!" "She wants to jump." Obi said with a calm voice while he looked up and looked at the distance between school and Tree. The blonde haired girl put her feet on the Window then she jumped out. "Are you crazy?!" The girls shouted. Suddenly some light surrounded that crazy girl. "She can make it." Said Mitsuhide smiling. "Or not. Look." Said Shirayuki and pinned up to the girl. The girl weared some other clothes and has ears and tails like a fox.

Artemis PoV:

Shit i miss calculated the distance!! I couldn't reach the branch so i flew down. "OBI!!" I shouted. "Here at her service Mistress." A familiar Voice and scent appeard and the person catched me. "Kitty." I said relieved and smiled at him. "I Love you." I kissed him. "Oh so you finally said it." He smiled at me after the kiss ended. "You know it already. You don't need to be so surprised." I smiled at him he let me then down on my own two feet. "Lunara!!" Yui and Clarise jumped on me to hug me, but i lost my balance and fell down. "I told you that my Name Artemis is." I laughed. "So my dear who are those two and where are we right now??" Obi asked me while grinning like the grin cat ok he is like a cat. "Some classcomrades. Yui and Clarise." I explained while he helped me up to my feet. "And we aren't in Draco Kingdom but in a world called...reality or modern World...i don't know."  Was my answer. "Do you have any ideas how to come back??" I asked him, out of his pocket he took out a note. "Rei gave me this note, he said it would be for use for you." He gave the note to me. I flew over the note and fold it and took it in my pocket.

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