3 Brothers (39)

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Sorry. But I did say there'd be demons 8D

(Jackal's POV)

Jeez I miss Lexus. I hope shes okay.

Shes all I've been able to think about except for the war. Oh fuck the war. Thats going to be brutal.

Why the hell did Conn have to bite me and steal Lexus?! I hope he rots.

Drake said he'd get Lexus back but he hasnt. He said he'd be able stop this war but he hasnt. He said he'd kill Conn for me. One thing he's actually completed.

I couldnt give less of a shit about Conn dying, except I think the Vile family might harm Lexus or some shit just to mess with us and piss us off even more.

Its us against them now, Cage and I are the only heir's now to their throne though which makes me laugh. The chances are piled against them, Cage, of what I've heard, is the type to go straight into battle, wanting to be the first to draw blood. Killing him will be easier than Conn.

I keep thinking about Lexus though, I mean is she okay? How can I know for sure that she's not locked in a dungeon somewhere being tortured for what we did to Conn?

I sighed and got up from the bed, I was in my room at the Jinx castle, Brude and Claudette as expected had no problem with my being here, infact they were overjoyed about it. They knew it would piss of the heads of the Vile family. Well my family.

You'de think being responsible for Conn's, my brothers, death would effect me but I dont think I really care much. I mean the guy did steal the love of my life and I never really knew him anyway.

I walked to the TV room and watched Scrubs, JD and Elliot were back together, Idiots. I enjoyed the rest of the program until Tyler came in and sat next to me.

"Sup Jackal." He said

"Hey Tyler, watcha wanna watch?" I asked

"Donnie Darko's on if you dont mind."

"Nah I like that film."

"Bet you cant explain it to me." He grinned

"How much?"

"Ten quid."

"Deal," I breathed out slowly "Um well Donnie is a guy and he has an imaginary freind called Frank but hes not actually imaginary hes from the future and um well Frank tells him he can save the world I think... But he has to die to for it to live... And um oh fuck it." I passed him the tenner.

"Thankyou." He laughed at my failure.

We watched the film in silence till like midnight.

"G'night Tyler."

"Goodnight Jackal."

With that we went to bed

I woke up at about 2 in the morning and had a weird urge to go downstairs and into the garden.

I walked slowly to the rose bushes and sat down on the bench there.

"Hello Jackal." Someone said to me in a weird malformed voice

I jumped and looked beside me

There was a guy.

But not just a normal guy, this guy was fucking horrifying.

He had abnormally large empty eye sockets and his cheeks were split to his ears and stiched back together jaggedly, his fair was longish and spiked out in different directions. He was tall and very thin, almost anorexic looking. His skin was pure white with specks of red here and there. The specks looked like blood.

"What are you?" I whispered

"Your savior." He grinned, making his dry lips split and crack

"You look more like my worst nightmare, to be honest."

"This is just a form I like to wear to earth sometimes, to make this experience seem more unforgetful and... entertaining for myself."

"Ah. Makes sence. So how in any way are you my," I coughed awkwardly "My savior?"

"I will help you win this war between the vampires. I will help you slaughter many, for only one catch."

"How the fuck do you even know about it?! And how will you help..?" I stared at him, which I must admit wasnt very pleasent.

"Well I know about it because I know just about everything that goes on on your world, and I can help you with my legion of demons. You shall win this war, I promise."

"Okay again I ask what are you and where the hell are you from?"

"I have many names, but I prefer the label Damien, and I am from Hell."

"Are you fucking with me?" I raised my eyebrow

"Nope. Now do you wanna hear the catch or not?"

"Okay lets hear it."

"I get the Vile family's throne."


"Huh. That was easy. Anyway where's Drake?"

"Um in bed?"

"Not for long" He grinned mischeivously

"Your the one that woke me up?!" I yelled irritably

"Ofcourse. I had to talk to you."

I facepalmed myself.

Damien spoke to Drake, and Drake agreed to the deal. He was pretty happy that the Devil wanted to help us, but I could tell there was suspicioun in his eyes too.

I mean come on! Why should we trust the Devil? Isnt he supposed to be evil?

Lets just hope he stays on our side.

He left after a bit saying he had other things to be getting on with. Torturing souls maybe?

I shuddered and he had grinned at me, making his cheeks split again

"I shall see you all later" He swept his eyes along us and they seemed to rest on me before he randomly like evaporated

"Well that was weird." I raised my eyebrow

"Understatement of the century much?" Rye chuckled


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