3 Brothers (41)

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Imm sooorrrryyyy. I just could NOT be assed updating.. xD Vote? Comment? Please? Anyway heres a long one.. To make up for being a hoe . _ .

(Alexis POV)

Yey were going to DISNEY LAND! I was excited as hell. I mean I dont really care for the whole Mickey mouse bullshit and stuff I just LERV the rides. They scare the shit outa me.

I'd only ever been to the Paris one and the Florida one was meant to be alot better.

I wrapped my arms around Cage and widened my eyes at him, trying and probably failing to look cute

He looked down at me

"Quit it, Im not buying you a happy meal you can just eat the cuisine our cooks make."

"But Mcdonalds is the new way of living" I whined hugging him tighter

"Its unhealthy and repulsive, your not eating it."

"But Cage..." I whimpered and tried to think of something real sad... Puppys being eaten... Wait thats funny...

"Why are you laughing?" He asked looking confused as hell

"Im not Im crying!" Was I really laughing? Something sad Alex... SOMETHING SAD. Wait what about that cat that got put in a microwave? That was mean!

Who wants kitty burgers? A disturbing part of me giggled hysterically

Christ I need help.

"Dude if you dont quit laughing Im gunna bite you." He grinned showing his fangs

Yes... He has fangs... Did I forget to mention that creepy ass fact?

"Bite me, and I'll kick your ass." I growled trying to sound threatening. Failing.

He just laughed

"BTW why are we going to Disney Land again?" I asked

"Um I thought you wanted to go?"

"Well Eric told me that your mom and dad wanted us to go to Disney Land alone or some shit."

"Ah. Well the reason to that is... OMFG A SQUIRREL!" He yelled pointing out the window

"WHERE?!" I shreiked and litteraly jumped out my seat. I havnt seen a squirrel in ages...

I wonder how squirrels have sex...I mean like do they lay down? Or like do it against the wall or standing up because they have weird legs and stuff...

I pondered over this for about an hour.

"Cage how do they have sex?" I asked randomly

"What?" He asked like WTF?

"How do squirrels have sex?"

"Well were not squirrels so it doesnt really matter" He grinned

"Ah okay." It took about three seconds before I got the meaning of his words

"You pig!" I punched him in the arm.

He grinned at me then yawned and layed on my shoulder

"Um goodnight?"

"Goodnight" He mumbled and closed his eyes

Awweh he looks so cute... I mentally slapped myself QUIT IT! Anywho we were on the airoplane to um Disney land florida! Anyway I layed back on my seat, we had first class Cage said we should of taken their jet but thats just creepy I mean c'mon JET?

Anyway I layed back and looked at him

He was asleep

Evil scheme time.

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