(Chapter 3)

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Here is Chapter 3! PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT!!! And if I don't get a comment  I'll just stop so please! There is heaps of chemistry between Tom and Lucy in this one :)                                                                                                                                                                           _____________________________________________________________________                   I woke up the next morning and bounced out of bed. I got changed and did my makeup and hair. I walked through New York on this brisk morning. Nothing could bring me down from this mood. I walked past the most beautiful dress shop. I had so many choices; I ended up finding a navy blue long formal dress. I found some shoes to match, silver and strappy and a sliver clutch. I was almost done when I had to get my hair done, along with my makeup.

“So where are you going tonight?” The hairdresser asked curiously. “That is a lovely dress as well.” She smiled at me through the mirror.

“I’m going to the art show tonight, and thanks, it took forever to pick out.” I smiled.

“I’ve heard that Tom Felton will be attending tonight. I wonder what lucky girl he’s taking!” She sighed with jealousy.

“Wait, the Tom Felton as in Harry Potter Tom Felton?” My stomach dropped, I became nervous. Could I possibly be that lucky girl? That is just silly to think that it could be him.

“Well you are all done and I’m sure you will look stunning!”

“Thank you so much, Bye!” I waved goodbye and stepped out onto the street. My mind was spinning and I found myself finding it hard to breathe. I dashed through the lobby and I was awfully impatient while I was in the elevator. When the elevators opened with a ding I ran to my room. I only had an hour to get ready. I brushed my teeth twice then I nervously slid my dress on, tugging on it a few times to get it perfect. After about ten twirls and many more times just staring at myself in the mirror I checked I had everything and headed downstairs. I walked slowly through the lobby until I was in the centre. Doing a slow full turn around the room while searching for him. I sighed and walked towards the couches. That was until I found my hand getting warmer and being held softly. I looked up and there he was. So breath taking. I think I just stood there trying to breathe so I will remain conscious.

“You look, just, wow amazing!” He smiled with a slight blush. I looked into his piercing blue eyes.

“Thank you, you didn’t do so badly yourself.” I looked at his tux. I looked up again to realise who it was. I was so stupid to not think of that earlier and no wonder why I thought he looked familiar in the park. I looked down at my feet. I was that lucky girl that my hairdresser was talking about. My head felt light and the world started spinning. “Pull yourself together Lucy and do not scream or act different around him now!” I thought to myself. This silence seemed like forever, but it was only a few seconds. I built up the courage and gave him an anxious grin. “So you are the famous Tom Felton I’ve been hearing about?” I chuckled as I was so embarrassed.

“I guess I am.” He said trying not to make me feel uncomfortable; I guess he picked up on me being nervous. “Lucy if this is to awkward and weird for you, you don’t have to come.” He looked down.

“Hey! I would be honoured and you are just a human that everyone recognises and girls chase after. No biggy” I took his hand and gave him the biggest grin. When he felt me relax, he relaxed.

‘Well Lucy I’m glad. Now we have an art show to attend.” I went to walk out the front door. “Um Lucy, sorry but we may have to use the back exit. Unless you want to be blinded by flashes and consumed by people wanting to get that most unflattering picture of us. Though it would be impossible for you to look unflattering. Come on.” He looked embarrassed as he signalled me in the opposite direction.

With You I'll Stay Forever - A Tom Felton Love Story(Finished)Where stories live. Discover now