(Chapter 11)

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This is one of my favourite chapters!!!! Sorry it's so short again!


The interview went on, talking about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1, and how it was like to be on set.

“You probably have some down time at the moment. Is there a special lady in your life at the moment?” The interviewer quizzed Tom.

“Actually I’m single but you never know what will happen.” He smirked and winked. I knew the wink was directed at me. This made me blush.

“When do you go back to London?” Said the interviewer.

“Tomorrow actually. So it will we be good to go home even though I love New York.” Tom said. I didn’t know he was going back tomorrow. My eyes filled with tears and I’m not sure. Probably because we have become so attached to one another. I flicked off the TV and out in my iPod and drifted into sleep even though it was only seven at night. I dreamt of nothing. I felt soft fingers drift across my forehead.

“Tom?” I whispered my eyes slowly fluttering open.

“It’s just me sweetheart.” He smiled kissing me just where his fingers were tracing my forehead.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were leaving tomorrow Tom?” I said with a slight hint of coldness in my voice.

“I was going to tell you tonight, but I was asked the question. I got you something.” He reached from behind his back revealing a teddy saying ‘In My Heart Always, No Matter How Far Away’.

“Tom! You didn’t have to do this I said hugging the teddy.” It was so soft and adorable.

“Yes I did! I got it done a few days ago. I hope you like it?” He said.

“I love it! I’m calling him Tom Junior!” I said cutely. This made him smile so he pulled me in for a hug. He smelt amazing. I then burst into tears because I realised that I wouldn’t have this for a couple of days. I never had separation problems. What was wrong with me?

“Baby girl it will be okay. You have Tom Jr. to cuddle and to keep you safe.” He hushed me and kissed my tears away.

“You promise?” I asked looking into his blue eyes.

“Promise.” He said while picking me up and carrying to his bed. “I’ll have to ask Dan and Rupert if you can move in. I’m pretty sure they’ll love you and Emma will love having a girl around all of the time.” He said while stroking my cheek.

“I want to meet them! I’m so excited!” I squeaked.

“You can after we move you in. They aren’t home in the middle of the day when you get. We can have a Barbeque or something.”

“Yay! Do they know about us?” I asked.

“Not yet? We can when you meet them. That’s if you want to?” He asked.

“Of course I do!” We both laughed. I suddenly had a burst of energy. I tickled him and started to jump around, dancing and singing making up my own crazy songs! Tom had his iPhone out filming me. I was comfortable with the camera for once. I walked up to the camera and blew it a kiss. Tom put on some music and we danced around like crazy people. This carried on for about half an hour when a slow song came on ‘Can You Feel The Love Tonight’ by Elton John. He pulled me in tight, his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We moved side to side looking deep into others eyes. The only thing in this moment was us. Our foreheads touched not breaking our eye contact. The song was in the last 30 seconds or so.

“I love you.” Tom whispered. This sent a wave of butterflies through my stomach.

“I love you too.” I whispered back. He kissed me tenderly placing his hands on my thighs to pick me up. Not breaking the kiss he carried me back into his room. Placing me gently on the bed we kept on kissing.

“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted you to say that.” He mumbled just inches away from my face.

“I’m glad you said it. I’m going to miss you Tom.” I sighed.

“Not as much as I will miss you. I hate the fact that I’ll always be the one leaving in this relationship.” He said feeling guilty.

“Hey! Don’t say that! It’s your job and I’m fine with it.” I reassured him. I pulled him into another deep kiss.

“I love you Lucy.” He said while staring into my eyes.

“I love you Tom.” I yawned and we fell asleep wrapped in each other arms. 

With You I'll Stay Forever - A Tom Felton Love Story(Finished)Where stories live. Discover now