With You I'll Stay Forver - A Tom Felton Love Story(Chapter 5)

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Something very big and amazing happens between lucy and tom this chapter! Please Rate and Message me because I have so much planned put I won't out put them up if I don't get any other responses! Thank you to all those that have viewed this my stories! Here is Chapter 5! :)


was Josh calling! Something in my mind knew that this was not going to be good.

“Hello?” I said nervously. No answer. “HELLO!” There was still no answer. I listened carefully to hear Josh and a girl talking, then it went quiet then I heard the girl say.

“Josh you are such a good kisser! Kiss me again you naughty boy!” I hung up the phone before I heard it go any further! I burst into tears. No wonder why he hadn’t bothered to contact me! What a jerk! I sobbed into my pillow for a while, but I felt so alone and I needed some company. I picked up my phone and called Tom. The phone rang twice.

“Lucy? It’s 1am in the morning! IS everything okay?” He sounded concerned.

“No!” I sobbed into the phone!

“What’s wrong Lucy? I’m coming down!”

“Wait! I want to come to you. I need to get out of this hotel room! I just need some company. If that’s okay with you?”

“That is fine sweetie! My room number is 1100!” He was on the top floor. I grabbed my phone and my key card and went up to his hotel. I looked like a mess but I really didn’t care. I knocked on the door and he opened it so fast! I smashed into his chest and he put his strong arms around me! My body went limp! He smelt amazing! I couldn’t let go! Mid-way through the hug I realised I was still in my pyjamas but being with him was more important! He stroked my hair and kissed the top of my head.

“What happened Lucy? You can talk to me!” He pulled me away holding my arms, looking intensely into my eyes. His eyes stressed concern.

“My mmm mmyy boyfriend is ch cheea chheeaating on meee! He called me by accident and I heard him kissing another girl and they were about to you know, ummm do something!” I whaled and he pulled me in even tighter than before. He didn’t say anything for a while. I tried to concentrate of his heart beat and his smell, my sobs slowed.

“Lucy I am so sorry!” He pulled me away to place his hands on my face and whipping away my tears with his thumbs. “What a prick! He doesn’t deserve a lovely, smart and beautiful girl like you!” He gave me a reassuring smile. I giggled in blushed back and his hands still cupped my face.

“Thanks Tom! I’m sick of just dealing with all his drama!”

“Do you wanna talk to me about it? That’s if you are comfortable?”

“Mmmhmmm” I nodded. He took me to the couch and grabbed both my hands and placed them in his lap. “Well Josh and I have been dating for about a year. In the first few months he was so sweet but then he changed. He started controlling me. What I wore, who I saw and he would check my phone every day. I could never do anything wrong or he would get really mad. Never has he hit me but I’m scared he will! He’s grabbed me and has shaken me violently, which have left bruises on my arms.” Tom looked at my arms to see the now yellow bruises.

“I didn’t notice them before?” He said sadly and kinda pissed.

“Make up works wonders. Anyway these are from me saying that I was coming here without him because I needed some time away. He wasn’t very happy as you can see! But he let me go and I didn’t know why he did, but I do now. The reason why he is probably cheating on me is because I won’t have, you know, sex with him. I told him that I wanted to wait because I want my first time to be magical and with someone I truly love. I haven’t told him the fact that he isn’t the one. Again he wasn’t happy with that so he tries to have sex with me but I threaten to call the police because I’m scared. He tries to take pictures of me when I am getting changed or when I’m in the shower. That’s why I tensed up when photos were first being taken because it brings back bad memories. I am afraid to leave him because I don’t know how he will react. I know that my heart isn’t in the relationship anymore but my head tells me I have to. I don’t love him anymore, I guess I never fully have, and he scares me but he makes me swear not to tell anyone, not even my best friends or my older sister. He always says “Lucy Cooper if you portray me you will be sorry!” I am so afraid and I feel so cheated!” Tom just sat there in silence. He looked at my arms again in horror. But like a gentleman he didn’t yell or rant, he just pulled me onto his lap and held me while I nuzzled my face into his chest. I let out a big sob and my body started to shake. He rocked me back and forth, stroked my hair and rubbed my back.

“Shhhh Lucy, you poor little baby girl. When you are with me I won’t let anything touch you.”

“Thank you for being with me and sorry for that, probably the last thing you wanted to hear.” My breathing slowed.

“I’m glad you told me Lucy! You are a very special girl and I want you to remember that!”

I inhaled his scent again. “Can you just hold me for a little while longer? I’ve missed being held like this. Well I’ve never truly been held like this.”

“Of course.” His big blue eyes were soft but in pain. I felt myself start to calm and drift into sleep once again.

I woke up the next morning in a bed that was not mine. It took me a second to realise where I was and I sighed when I knew I was all safe in Tom’s hotel room. I looked down to see what pyjamas I was wearing and I just felt embarrassment run over. I never even wore these in front of Josh. I sat up to see tom sleeping on the floor next to the bed, just in his boxers. He had a breath taking body. I felt really bad. I picked up a pillow and threw it at his face. He stirred and smirked and he pretended to still be asleep. I saw one of his arms slowly reach up to grab the pillow from under his head.

“HIT THE DECK!” I shrieked as he pulled the pillow from his head and threw it at me; I threw another one and ran for my life! I could hear him get up and chase after me!

“I will catch you missy!” He chased me around the kitchen when he pounced bringing both of us crashing to the floor! We both laughed uncontrollably. When we both went silent to realise he was on top of me, our faces just inches apart. His breathe was sweet and intriguing, we just stared into one another’s eyes. His faced moved closer to mine, moving slowly. My heart started beating out of my chest. Our lips were just about to touch but he waited for a few seconds. Both our eyes closed and before I knew it, that man I was falling for lips were on mine. His lips were so soft. He kissed me sweetly, not pushing the kiss. My heart stopped. His fingers traced the side of my face while I loosely laced my fingers in his blonde hair. The kiss grew a little more, both our lips moving in synchronisation like this was meant to happen. He took both my hands and laced them together with his. This moment was enchanting. This was the most perfect kiss of my life. He kissed me with a little more force but he didn’t ask for entry yet. I guess he didn’t want to push any boundaries. I squeezed his hands and he squeezed them back while he slowly pulled away. He kissed my forehead sending even more butterflies through my body. Our eyes finally opened. I was staring at the most beautiful pair of blues eyes that showed that they really cared. We just lay there for about five minutes, not speaking, while he rubbed circles with his thumbs on hand and while I played with his hair. Here we were sharing this moment of bliss.

With You I'll Stay Forever - A Tom Felton Love Story(Finished)Where stories live. Discover now