(Chapter 18)

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We’ll be there in 30 minutes!!!! Love Abi and Victoria. I read the text once I finished whipping down the bench. I ran up the stairs.

“Where are you going?” Tom asked.

“Getting changed.” I replied. “And so should you!” I kissed him on the nose and ran upstairs. I quickly jumped into the shower and washed my hair. Once I was out I ran from the bathroom to my room and I pulled out a tight fitting short, tribal patterned dress with black wedges. I straightened my hair and out on my makeup. Walking to Tom’s room and leant against the door frame. “Do I look okay?” I said in a seducing voice then giggling at his face.

“Perfect as usual!” He pulled me in for a hug. We heard a knock at the door.

“They are here!” I said excitedly. I ran out pulling Tom with me. I knocked on Emma, Daniel, and Rupert’s doors. And we walked the foyer. “Brace yourself!” I giggled. I opened the door and I was knocked to the floor by to crazy and beautiful people.

“LUCYY!” Abigail cried. We were all still on the floor in laughter.

“I’ve missed you guys so much!” I pulled them in for a hug, we were still laughing when we all stopped when we heard Tom clear his throat.

“OMG…” I heard Victoria whisper.

“Ummm Abigail and Victoria this is my boyfriend Tom and my friends Emma, Dan and Rupert.” I said getting up from the floor.

“Hi!” They both screamed and gave a massive hug first then all the other three.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you both.” Tom said nodding at them once they fished hugging everyone.

“Yes I can tell we will all be friends.” Emma smiled.

“Pleasure ladies. Love the enthusiasm.” Dan laughed jumping up and down because he was excited and we all laughed with him.

“Oh we brought a bottle of red wine and some chocolates.” Victoria said.

“I like you too already!” Said Rupert as he winked at Victoria. I looked at Tom then and Abigail and we shrugged.

“Awww thanks guys.” Emma said happily

“Well the others will be here soon. Come to the back yard.” Tom said walking through the house smiling at us.

“He’s so sweet and good hot!” Abigail whispered.

“He’s smoking!” Victoria added which made us laugh.

“Who’s smoking?” Tom asked.

“Ummmmm.” The girls giggled.

“You are baby!!!” I said blowing him a kiss.

“You guys are so cute!” Victoria said clapping her hands.

“Thanks.” I said blushing.

“So Victoria? What was that look that Rupert gave you?” I asked.

“Nothing.” She blushed.

“You like him!!” Abigail exclaimed.

“Shhhhh. Maybe.” Victoria looked at her feet.

“Awwww that’s so cute.” I added.

“You know he’s always been my favourite, he’s even more perfect in real life.” She sighed.

“That’s great. I think he feels the same way.” Abigail said.

“You think so?” Victoria asked.

With You I'll Stay Forever - A Tom Felton Love Story(Finished)Where stories live. Discover now