With You I"ll Stay Forever - Tom Felton Love Story (Chapter 20)

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Sorry this took so long. This is a massive chapter! :)


The clouds started to glide over the bright blue sky. Tom and I packed up and drove away from the secret place we spent the morning. Tom grabbed my hand and it stayed like that until we got to the bank. The one thing I loved is that when I was with him he was never ashamed to hold my hand or to hug me. Tom pulled in. Before he got out he was looking around trying to look for something outside of the car.

“What on earth are you doing?” I quizzed him laughing.

“Making sure that I can’t see any paparazzi. I don’t want to run into them again.” He sighed.

“You looked a like a meerkat.” I scoffed.

“Is that a compliment or an insult?” I was confused.

“A compliment, because I think you make a very adorable meerkat baby.” I smiled and he shook his head laughing at me. Tom and I both got out and held hands while walking into the bank. He stole a quick kiss and we were approached by a tall blonde woman. She was like a supermodel. The made googly eyes all over Tom, like a child in a candy shop. Tom didn’t even take notice.

“Hello, how may I help you today?” She asked just talking to Tom.

“Hi, um I would like to make some changes to my bank account.” Tom said politely, still not noticing.

“I can help you with that. Follow me and I’ll have Phillip take care of you Mr Felton.” She said batting her eyelids. She led us to a room where there was a man in about his mid-forties dressed rather smart in his business attire. The blonde lady held the door open for us.

“Hello, How may help you two?” The man got up from his desk.

“Hi, we would like to make some changes to our bank accounts.” Tom asked.

“I think that can be possible. Phillip.” He held out his hand to shake mine.

“Lucy.” I said shaking his hand.

“Tom.” Tom said shaking his hand.

“Lovely to meet the both of you.” He said smiling at us.

“Likewise.” Tom replied.

“Take a seat and I’ll be back. I just need to get some papers and files.” Said Phillip. I was still tense realising that the blonde lady was still there.

“Can I get you a drink or water, tea or coffee.” She asked. Mostly to Tom. I felt myself get very frustrated and angry.

“No thank you.” Tom said smiling.

“No thanks.” I added. She nodded and walked out of the room. I crossed my arms and made an angry face. Tom noticed.

“What’s up with you?” He asked.

“Did you not see the blonde lady basically throwing herself at you. Batting her eyelids, Only addressing you ‘Mr Felton’ I said mimicking her. I felt myself fill with jealousy.

“I think you’re a little jealous.” He said poking me making me laugh.

“I am not!” I argued back.

“I think you are.” He laughed poking me more. “Be sides I didn’t even notice. You are the one I want, not some blonde. Besides I’m not even into blondes I couldn’t even tell you what colour her eyes are.” He said kissing my forehead.

“Fine.” I grumbled trying not to laugh. Tom just shook his head and with one hand he traced his hand up and down my back. This calmed me down. Tom grabbed out his iPhone and texted his manger. He was asking if he could bring confidentiality papers. Sometimes I forgot I was with a famous movie star. Phillip walked through the door with a bunch of folders and papers.

With You I'll Stay Forever - A Tom Felton Love Story(Finished)Where stories live. Discover now