(Chapter 14)

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“They’re here!” He smiled an encouraging smile. Hetook my hand and led me down the stairs. My heart was in my throat. They were all standing in the foyer area all smiling at me. I gripped Tom’s hand tighter and he squeezed back. I made it down the flight of stairs without stacking it which was surprising for me.

“Lucy!” I was embraced by Emma almost knocking me over. “You are even more beautiful than Tom described! It’s so lovely to meet you! We are going to get along so well and it’s nice to have another girl around!” Emma squealed.

“It’s so great to meet you too!” I said with excitement.

“Hey Luce! If you don’t mind me calling you that?” Rupert giving me a warm, welcoming hug.

“That’s great!” I replied. Rupert pulled away smiling.

“Lucy!!!!” Dan said pulling me into a bear hug. “Welcome to the tribe of the most crazy people you’ll meet.”

“I’m honoured!” I giggled. “I’ve been dying to meet you guys. Tom never shuts up about you.” I said feeling relieved seeing there smiling faces.

“We can say the same about him.” Rupert smirked looking at Tom.

“Hey!” Tom said throwing his hands up in a surrender. “Well I’m starving!” Tom said getting out of the situation. He led us into the kitchen grabbing my hand.

“If I had more time I would’ve made something for tonight.” I exclaimed.

“Don’t stress Lucy.” Dan said reassuring me.

“Well you boys go out to the Barbeque and Lucy and I will stay in here making some salad and stuff.” Emma ordered. The boys huffed and sighed and walked out the door. Tom kissed me on the head and left.

“You seem to have them wrapped around your finger.” I commented with a grin.

“Well since I am one of the only girls I kind of happens naturally.” She nodded and laughed.

“What wonders we will accomplish together.” I replied.

“That’s my girl!” Emma chuckled. I went to the fridge and got out the stuff for the salads, while Emma got out cutting boards, bowls and knives. We started to make a large salad. “You know you make Tom really happy Lucy? Even though it’s been a week or two.” Emma said calmly.

“Really?” I questioned.

“Yes. Tom has been so unhappy. I’ve seen a real change in him. You are special to him.” She answered.

“Well he has done the same for me.” I uttered.

“I’m glad. What happened for you to move here so quickly? If I’m not interfering?” She whispered.

“I wasn’t in the healthiest relationship you could say. Something that could’ve gotten really out of hand.” I paused.

“You don’t have to tell me tonight. When you are ready Luce.” Emma embraced me.

“Thanks.” I said sheepishly. “I can definitely tell we are going to be great friends.” I giggled.

“I told you!” Emma said nudging. We continued talking for a little longer, laughing, just being girls. We were interrupted by play fighting and rattling of the door handle from outside. That’s when all three boys stumbled in falling in the doorway.

“Hey I was the first one in the door!” Dan declared.

“I was!” To yelled back.

“Guys! You both know that I was first.” Rupert said proudly.

“You were noo-” Dan started to proclaim when he was cut off by Emma’s whistle. All three boys stood up and shoved each other playfully while walking towards us to get plates, cutlery and glasses for the outside table. Emma and I followed the boys out. Tom being the lovely man he his pulled out Emma’s chair and pushed it in for her, him doing the same thing for me. Tom sat next to me kissing me quickly.

“You guys have a wonderful house! Thank you for letting me move in. It was very generous of you. I can’t thank you enough.” I said to all three boys.

“You are a part of our little family now and we have more than enough room for you.” Rupert said.

“Yes and it will be good having you around and you make Tom happy.” Dan added.

“I can agree to that.” Tom said rubbing my arm.

“And I love having another girl around so when I come over I’m not surrounded by you three smelly boys.” Emma stated. We continued to eat and talk, a lot.

“Who wants a swim??” Dan asked.

“Me!” We all said in synchronization. All four of us help carry in the plates and go get ready. I got to my room and pulled out my bikinis. I didn’t know which ones to wear. I picked out a pink and white checker pair. I put it on and just stood there looking at myself, nervous because Tom had never seen me in a bikini.

“Lucy?” Emma knocked on the door. I opened it because she wouldn’t care. “What’s taking so long?” She hissed.

“Tom has never seen me in a bikini.” I murmured.

“You are bloody hot! You have a God given body! Now get your backside downstairs.” She exclaimed.

“Look who’s talking.” I snickered. Emma was in a electric blue bikini.

“Yeah, yeah, but thanks.” She rolled her eyes. “Let’s go!”

“Won’t the water be cold?” I asked.

“Nope. It’s heated so no excuses Lucy.” Emma said while taking my hand and dragging me outside my room and downstairs. I froze just before we got to the back door.

“Just hang on for a sec.” I said taking one last breath. “Here goes nothing.” I muttered. Emma pulled me outside. There I saw all the boys just standing next to the pool. Tom had his back to me. Dan and Rupert stopped talking and nodded at Emma and I, like they were telling Tom to turn around. He did and he looked amazing with his body looking so beautiful in the moonlight. His mouth dropped and his eyes almost popped out of their sockets, making me blush.

With You I'll Stay Forever - A Tom Felton Love Story(Finished)Where stories live. Discover now