(Chapter 9)

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This is a big chapter for Tom and Lucy!


The night past so fast and before I knew it I woke up with the sun beaming across my room and Tom’s arms wrapped lightly around my waist. He was still in his clothes from yesterday, I suppose I was as well. All I wanted to do was lie here forever but I had to get up. I gently unwrapped Tom’s grasp on me and got up to make us some breakfast. I got out some bread and cheese and I cut up some tomato, then placing them on the bread to make toasted sandwiches. Next was the coffee. I had to get up on the bench to reach the coffee cups.

“Looks like this little miss needs someone to reach the cups for her.” Tom chuckled while walking out of my room.

“I hate being short!” I crossed my arms and frowned like a 2 year old. Tom helped me down from the bench. I checked on the toasted sandwiches which were perfect. Tom made the coffee while I plated up our breakfast.

“Smells good Luce.” Tom said hovering before he sat down at the table.

“It’s not much. So what is Tom Felton up to today?” I teased.

“Well Lucy Cooper I’m doing some interviews today in about 2 hours but I have to get ready and get make up done.” He frowned jokingly when I snickered at the make up part. “What are you doing today? And this is delicious by the way.”

“Thanks. I’ve got a lecture thing on until 4pm today.” I sighed.

“Sounds like we are both busy hey? I’ll come and see you tonight?” Tom asked.

“I don’t have anything else to do with my life!” We finished up breakfast and he helped me with the dishes.

“Have a good day Lucy. Please call me if you need me.” He said.

“I will and thanks again for everything Tom! Have a good day.” I said hugging him

“See you Luce.” Tom walked out. I locked my door and got ready for the day. The day at the art lecture went slowly as I could only think of Tom. I only had about 5 minutes left when my phone vibrated in my bag. It was from Tom saying: ‘Be ready at your hotel by 6 in smart casual clothes.’

I must have smiled really big because a few people looked at me funny. I replied back: ‘See you then :)’

Time passed even slower when finally it was time for me to leave the lecture. I rushed home pulling out a long green skirt, white singlet and black heels. I straightened my long brown hair and putting on my make up(The picture). By the time I finished getting ready and putting everything in my bag it was 6pm. My door bell rang. I rushed from my bathroom to get the door. I opened it revealing Tom looking handsome.

“Where are we going?” I questioned as he took my hand and walked out of the hotel using the back exit again.

“You’ll see.” He smiled.

“Aren’t we taking the car?” I asked.

“Nope. We are walking to the place.”

“Awesome.” We only walked a few blocks not getting any attention which surprised me. Tom slowed as we came to this tiny romantic Italian restaurant. He held the door open for me and we walked inside. There was only a few tables and the place looked like we were in Italy. The staff were all Italian and they had Italian music playing. Tom grabbed my hand and led me to this little area around the corner that was hidden from the rest of the tables. The table and everything was so classic with one rose and rose petals and candles. “Wow!” Was all I managed to get out.

“Do you like it?” Tom hesitated.

“Tom this is incredible! Never has anyone done this for me! And my favourite food is Italian. Thank you!” I hugged him.

“No problem.” Relief settled on his face. He pulled my chair out for me. We sat and looked at the menu. We got a pizza and spaghetti to share. While we were waiting for our food we asked some questions.

Right, what’s your full name!” I pointed at him being cheeky.

“Thomas Andrew Felton. Yours?” Tom answered.

“Lucy Alice Cooper.”

“Well that’s very cute Lucy.” Tom said while playing with my feet under the table. Our food came out. Our conversation was quiet when I brought up Josh.

“Josh and I are over. Even though we haven’t discussed it. When I get back to London I’m moving out and getting my own place.” Tom was quiet like he was nervous about something. I grabbed his hands. “Tom even though I’ve known you a couple of days, but you make feel so special and you look after me. Most people run away when they hear what Josh has done to me. You have managed to make me fall head over heels and I feel like a little school girl.” I said.

“Well I’m glad because I was hoping if you would do me the honour of being my girlfriend?” We looked deep into one another’s eyes.

“I would be honoured to be your girlfriend Thomas Andrew Felton.” I smiled as we both got up and interlinked hands. He lent down and kissed me passionately. My hands tightened around his neck and his arms wrapped around my waist. Our kiss slowed and finally came to an end with our foreheads touching and our eyes deeply attached.

“Let’s get out of here.” Tom suggested. I just nodded. We walked through New York arm in arm getting snapped by a couple of paparazzi, but I didn’t care. We stumbled into Tom’s hotel room laughing because I couldn’t walk because of my heels. I didn’t have anything to wear so Tom gave me his shirt and a pair of his boxers. They were so comfy. I crawled into his bed and he snuggled into me. I turned to face him and I kissed Tom sweetly.

“Goodnight Tom.” I yawned

“Goodnight Lucy.” He pulled me in tightly and hummed me to sleep. Never I have I been to happy and being with Tom tonight made my life so amazing!

With You I'll Stay Forever - A Tom Felton Love Story(Finished)Where stories live. Discover now