(Chapter 17)

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“Mmmm?” He replied in thought.

“Is everything okay?” I asked taking his hand.

“Sure. Um let me take a phone call. Excuse me.” Tom said giving me a half-hearted smile. Tom walked out into the outside eating area of the café hiding behind a hedge.

“Is he okay?” I asked Emma, Dan and Rupert.

“I’m sure he his.” Dan said also giving me a half-hearted smile. They all looked at me with sympathy, like they knew something. Emma cleared her throat.

“So are you excited? For the Premiere?” Emma asked changing the subject.

“Yes! This is literally my dream come true! I’m so over the moon!” I smiled at her.

“Evy, Bonnie and I will take you shopping!” Emma said excitedly clapping her hands together.

“So are you already brainwashing my girlfriend Em?” Tom commented, laughing while kissing the top of my head. He sat down hand he took my hand and smiled at me. I could sense frustration.

“No Thomas. I was just saying that all the girls will take her dress shopping.” She replied back.

“So that’s why you kept laughing this morning? You knew didn’t you?” I said to Emma.

“Yes! I was so desperate to tell you!” She giggled.

“She forced it out of me.” Tom exclaimed while putting his hands up in surrender.

“Awwww you guys!” I blushed.

“I say we all go home and watch a movie or something.” Rupert said.

“Let’s.” Tom replied. I got out my wallet to pay for my breakfast. “No you don’t.” Tom said putting my wallet back into my bag.

“Tom I insist.” I whined.

“No I am paying.” Tom gave the waitress some cash. “Too late.” He said to me.

“I hate you!” I mumbled.

“Love you too!” He replied. We all walked out of the café. This time there were more paparazzi.

“TOM! TOM! Is this your girlfriend?” One man shouted out.

“GIVE HER A KISS!” Another shouted. Tom just waved and he opened the car door for me.

‘Thanks.” I said to him.

“No problem.” Said winking and shutting my door.

“Is it always like this?” I asked all three of them.

“Sometimes. It depends.” Dan said. Tom drove away beeping for the paparazzi to move. They were like sheep in a field. They all slowly moved. Tom pulled away into the street.

“Well that was fun.” Tom exclaimed. It was a quiet trip home. My phone beeped giving Rupert a fright. I opened my phone. It was a text from Abigail saying: OMG ARE YOU DATING TOM FELTON! CALL US!!!!!!!! NOW! Love Abi and Victoria xoxo! I laughed. My friends were always so enthusiastic. “What’s so funny?” Tom asked.

“I’ll explain later.” I remarked lightly as we pulled into the long driveway. Tom came and opened the passenger seat door and carried me to the front door while pretended to be dead.

“You’re not very good at playing good Luce, you can’t stop smiling.” Rupert said laughing at me now sticking my tongue out like a dog.

“I’m very good at playing dead, I can even talk when I’m dead, because I’m amazing!” I scoffed.

“You’re very cute!” Tom said rubbing his nose against mine. I quickly pecked him on the lips and got down. I walked upstairs to go to the bathroom. I heard his footsteps behind me. “So what were you laughing at before?” Tom said while pushing me into my room while crashing his lips onto my neck.

“Umm I- I got a tee- text from mm- my friends.” I stuttered as Goosebumps ran over my skin.

“You know that you always tease me. You are so beautiful.” He said while finding my lips.

“I can say the same.” I kissed him back. Tom picked me up and out me on my bed.

“So what was the text?” He asked.

“My two best friends Abigail and Victoria want to know if I’m dating you. They asked me to call them. Should I tell them?” I asked biting my lip, laughing.

“I don’t see why not. Put it on speaker phone, this should be hilarious.” Tom chuckled. I dialled Abigail. It rang twice.

“Hello?” Abigail said.

“It’s me.” I said.

‘OMG Lucy Cooper tell us everything!” Abi exclaimed.

“Yes tell us everything!” I heard Victoria yell from the background. Tom started to giggle so I put my hand over his mouth.”

“How come you guys think I’m dating Tom Felton.” I questioned.

“Because you and Tom are all over the internet, all over ENews and gossip magazines.” Victoria said.

“Hi ladies!” Tom said into the phone. They both squealed.

“LUCYYYYYYYYYY!” Abigail screeched. “Was that Tom?” She questioned.

“Ummm-“ I began to speak.

“Yes it is.” He said teasing them. “Actually we are having a get together at my place tonight, you are both invited, but only the both of you! Can’t wait to meet you! I’ll put you back onto Lucy.” Tom spoke into the phone laughing.

“OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! Lucy! We are so happy for you! Tell us everything tonight, we have to get ready!” Victoria spoke.

“Guys please don’t tell anyone?” I pleaded.

“We got your back girl! We love you!”

“I love you guys too! Bye!” II exclaimed.

“Bye!” They screamed.

“That went well!” I laughed.

“They seem very sweet.” He said hugging me.

“Just giving you warning they love Harry Potter like I do, and they may not be able to control their flip out.” I giggled.

“That’s fine.” Tom smiled, leaning in for a kiss.

“I love you.” I said looking into is eyes.

“I love you too!” He kissed me once more.

“We should probably go downstairs and start setting up.” Tom sighed.

“Hey I’m going to make this fun!” I ran downstairs, Tom chasing me. I ran to that massive stereo, with huge speakers and put on my iPod. “We are going to dance, sing and dance!” I pressed play and ‘Baby Got Back’ by Sir Mix A Lot came one.

“I haven’t this song in ages.” Tom commented.

“We are going old school.” I said while walking away shaking my butt.

“You are crazy and I love you for that!” She laughed at my dancing.

“Thanks!” I yelled and we started to set up for the party. Emma, Dan and Rupert joined in with the dancing.

“Come on Tom!” Emma said.

“Fine!” Tom started to dance. I winked at him and we all had fun getting the party set up.

With You I'll Stay Forever - A Tom Felton Love Story(Finished)Where stories live. Discover now