(Chapter 12)

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Enjoy and sorry there wasn't much Tom! Thank you to arty_writes  for your lovely message :)


I woke up to Tom getting changed. Doing up the buttons on his shirt.

“Good morning.” I yawned.

“Good morning my beautiful girl.” He smiled and came over to kiss my forehead.

“I don’t want you to leave.” I pouted.

“Do you think I want to leave the most amazing girl? You have Tom Jr. to keep you safe and you have this amazing hotel room to yourself. It also gives you some time to think about things.” He said while tucking my hair behind my ears.

“I guess.” I sighed. “Are you packed?” I asked.

“I’m already to go. All I have to do is say goodbye to you.” He said. Tom pulled me in for a hug an we stayed like that for some time. “It’s time for me to go baby girl.” Tom said while he still held me in his embrace.

“Here have this.” I undid my gold chain with an L for Lucy on it. “This is for you to have.” I handed it to him.

“I won’t take it off until I see you.” He said while I did up the necklace.

“I love you Tom.” I whispered.

“I love you too.” He pulled me into a hungry, emotional kiss. The kiss was long but it felt like one second. He pulled away and walked down the hallway to the lift. He waved goodbye ans I waved back. He was gone. I know it’s only two days but it felt like forever. I shut the door and a single tear ran down my face. I went to bed and slept the rest of the day, apart from when I got a message from him. My phone rang at 3am.

“Hello?” I said half asleep.

“Hello beautiful. I’m just letting you know that I’m home and all safe. I miss you and go back to sleep.” He whispered.

“Thanks baby.” I mumbled.

“You called me baby! You are cute.” He exclaimed.

“I thought it would be cute.” I goggled still half asleep.

“Sweet dreams Lucy. I love you.” He said in a whisper still.

“You too and I love you too baby.” I smiled and hung falling asleep thinking of him. The next day passed slowly. I had some art classes and I sat by the window in the hotel room drawing and looking down at the cute couples getting swept up by the city’s magic. This made me miss Tom. I continued to draw and think Josh and I spoke to Tom a lot, well when he wasn’t busy. The day finally came when it was time to go home to London. I was walking through the busy airport but only feeling like the only person. I got a coffee just before my flight because I had to write the letter that I was procrastinating over.

“Flight 1620 to London is now boarding. Please make your way to the terminal and board your plane.” The lady said over the intercom. I sighed and grabbed my handbag and boarded the plane. I sat next to someone that wore the same cologne as Josh because the world is just always this ironic, which didn’t make this flight any easier. I took a deep breath as the plane took off. I was going home to Tom, but walking away from something that I was scared of, I was scared that Josh would stalk me. Once we were in the air I pulled out my notepad and my pen and just wrote what I was feeling. The note said:

Dearest Josh,

I am writing this letter to you to inform you that I no longer wish to be apart of you or our relationship. I used to care for you when you would treat me right but you started to control me and force me into things that I did not want to do, and I am now longer okay with you treating me like this. I’ve lived this past year in fear of you. I’ve never been able to stand up for myself properly without you getting mad. I will miss the Josh that was cute and amazing. However, my life is too short to live in fear. We both want different things and neither of us can agree on much. I am so sorry that I am doing this, but it’s for the best, for the both of us. Find someone that will love you to the moon and back. Please do not try to track me down. Please take care of yourself Josh.



A tear fell down my cheek and landed on the page. I kept the letter short and simple so he wouldn’t get the wrong idea. I folded up the letter and put it in my bag, then forcing myself into sleep. I woke up to the pilot informing us that we were about to land. I had butterflies as I knew that I’d seeing Tom. The landing was smooth and once we landed I smiled at

With You I'll Stay Forever - A Tom Felton Love Story(Finished)Where stories live. Discover now