(Chapter 6)

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So sorry this is short! I have so much school work! Hope you are enjoying the story! Thanks :)


“I’m so sorry Lucy! That was out of line! I just, umm well you are jus-“ I cut him off with a sweet kiss on the lips.

“The best kiss I’ve ever had!” I said jokingly but I was actually serious!

“Really?” Tom was shocked.

“Yes, Tom Felton I am falling for you! I never fall for people. I am always so careful, especially after Josh. You the two days ago when you hit me in the head? I was thinking about my life and where I wanted it to go. I thought that I wasn’t happy with Josh, nut I always try to push that feeling aside. With you however, is a new problem for me! I’ve known you all of two days yet I feel like I’ve known you forever! You are the one guy in my life that has made me feel amazing, maybe besides my little brother! You are special to me Tom.” I felt my cheeks go red because I couldn’t believe that I just confessed that, but I didn’t care!

“Lucy you are amazing and I was thinking about my life too, and where it was going. I haven’t been happy! I hate having the pressure to date certain people and what not? I feel like I can just be me Tom around you. Not Tom Felton, Draco Malfoy or that evil kid from Harry Potter. It is hard to find someone like you Lucy!” He lent in about to kiss me. “And here is another perfect kiss for the best kisses we’ve ever had.” He chuckled and he kissed me exactly the same as the first time, accept I think I had more of an electric shock running through my body! He pulled away and I could smell his breathe and just the smell of Tom.

“Thanks.” I said sheepishly.

“I’m going to make you breakfast!” Tom jumped up and just stood there watching me lie on the floor laughing at him and look at his perfect body.

“You really don’t have to do that.” I sighed.

“Someone has to feed this damsel in distress lying on my hotel room floor! Come on then Luce.” He held out his hand to help me up.

“Lucy is to lazy!” I pouted and made big puppy dog eyes.

“Then I guess I’ll have to do something about that!” He did the smirk he did in Harry Potter. Before I knew if I was thrown over his shoulder. I screamed.

“I hate you.” I mumbled.

“Hey! I heard that!” He tried to sound offended, he had a good ass and his arms were so strong! Tom placed me down on the kitchen bench.

“What is master chef going to make for me?” I mocked him from before.

“Blueberry Pancakes!” He whipped out a wooden spoon pretending it was a wand.

“Sounds great, but I don’t find you so tough Draco!” He glared at me but I just stuck my tounge out at him making him cave in with laughter.

“Hey no fair!” He whined.

“Not my fault I’m so adorable.” I batted my eyelashes. Tom looked down blushing.

“I can agree to that.” He mumbled because he was too embarrassed to say it in front of me. He quickly made breakfast. He was actually a very good cook, I was surprised. I admired him while he was busily cooking away.

“Smells delicious but I guess I’ll find that out when I try it!”

“You are so funny.” Tom said sarcastically. “Do you want to come to get my dog Timber and go for a walk with us?” He asked.

“Well, I would be delighted!” I took my first mouthful of the pancakes. “YUMMMMMYYYYYYYY!” I exclaimed.

“Are you sure?” He seemed uneasy.

“Are you kidding me? The best pancakes I’ve ever tasted! You know what I think? I think you should give up acting and take up cooking and cook for me!” I ordered him as a joke.

“Maybe I should.” He laughed looking up from his plate. We ate and I helped him stack the dish washer.

“I’m going to go and get changed. Come and get me in 10 minutes!” I said giving him a hug, about to walk out his door.

“Um Lucy you are in, um those pyjamas and it’s 10:30 in the morning.”

“Right, can I borrow a robe or something?” I bit my lip because I was so embarrassed! He noticed the pyjamas I was wearing. I wonder what he thought of them on me? Oh my gosh I have to stop think these thoughts right now.

“Sure!” He walked into his bathroom and gave me a robe.

“Thanks. Meet me at my in 10 minutes okay?”

“I will.” He assured me while I walked out the door and laughed to myself. I waved as I went around the corner. As soon as got around the corner I did a little dance! I was on could nine with Tom! 

With You I'll Stay Forever - A Tom Felton Love Story(Finished)Where stories live. Discover now