(Chapter 19)

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This is chapter will be continued into Chapter 20 because it's so long! Thanks for reading

And thanks a lot to  thugaa for her beautiful cover! :)

Tom's song : If thats alright with you   

Lucy's dress is the picture.


I woke up to Tom humming the same tune he sang last night. I kissed hisbare chest and opened my eyes slowly.

“Good morning my beautiful girl.” He whispered kissing the top of my head.

“Morning baby.” I said stretching making little baby dinosaur noises. “So what are we doing again today? I guess it was the last thing I remember.” I asked.

“I’m taking you on a romantic picnic.” Tom said.

“I’m excited!” I cheered. Then Dan and Rupert burst in.

“TOM GET UUU- LUCY!” Dan shouted.

“Get out you idiots.” Tom threw a pillow at them.

“Hi boys.” I said waving awkwardly.

“Didn’t expect to see you in bed with Tom. Didn’t think you were moving so fast.” Rupert said.

“Don’t tell me you guys had sex? Nice one Tom!” Dan said grinning. I felt myself blush.

“We did not. I was upset about leaving and Lucy heard me and she wanted to see what was the matter, and I ended up telling her and we just fell asleep. Now get out!” Tom said laughing but being serious.

“Sorry guys.” Rupert said pushingDan out the door.

“That was awkward.” I giggled.

“Did I ever tell you how cute you are?” Tom said rubbing my nose with his.

“Once or twice.” I smiled. “When are Dan and Rupert leaving?” I asked.

“Tomorrow.” Tom sighed. “But Emma is coming over for the week to keep you company. She’s really excited.” Tom grinned.

“I bet she is. I better get changed.” I got up and kissed him and walked to my room.I pulled out a casual white dress, brown sandals and my ray bans. I put on a little make up and I straightened my hair. I grabbed all my stuff and headed downstairs. Tom was waiting with a basket, while kneeling down patting Timber.

“I’m a very lucky man to be going out with such a beautiful girl.” Tom said looking at me.

“I’m a very lucky girl to be going out with a very hot man.” I mimicked him. “Hey Timber!” I gave her a pat.

“Well let’s go. Bye Dan and Rup!” Tom shouted. “Be back soon Timber.”He said hugging her. I hugged her as well. “I’m just going to stop off at a bakery and at the supermarketto get some things.” Tom added whilst we got in his car. It was packed with a couple of pillows and some blankets, as well as his guitar.

“That’s fine.” I added.

“Lucy you don’t have a car do you?” Tom asked.

“No, I’ve never had enough money. Just public transport. I’ve almost saved enough and how much money do I need to put in for you know living in your house?” I asked.

“None. And howabout I help out with the car? Since you don’t live close to the city you will need one when I’m gone, to go to college and work.” Tom smiled.

With You I'll Stay Forever - A Tom Felton Love Story(Finished)Where stories live. Discover now