Chapter Nineteen

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"What was that?" Commander Lucas said, listening to the loud endless howl. 

"Sounded like a wolf." Nathaniel replied. 

They both looked at each other with a dead glare. "LUNA!" 

Lucas and Nathaniel immediately rushed to the forest. They didn't bother to bring any weapon because it would make Luna look at them as enemies.But, in case they have to, Lucas brought an injection to ease Luna down if the talking wouldn't work.  

As they rush in, the howl slowly began to drift away. The Commander was eager to move forward but Nathaniel stopped him. 

"It's too dangerous! Luna already knows we're here. She can smell us!" Nathaniel protested. 

He was right. Luna already knows. She can sense their fear and the increased flow of blood through their veins. However, she was not herself. The wild have called her spirit whereby she responded. Right now, she is part of an another world. 

"Stop." Lucas raised his hand. "Did you hear that?" 

A complete silence. 

"I don't hear anything. It's quiet." Nathaniel observed. 

"Exactly." Lucas walked attentively. He can feel as if their every move was being watched. "Let's spread out. I bet we will be able to find her quickly if we do."

"Okay. I'll go left." Nathaniel was making his way when Lucas put his hand on Nathaniel's shoulder and faced him. 

"Son." Lucas said. "Be careful." 

"I will, father."

And with that, they moved and set their search for Luna.

Lucas slowly walked to the left side of the forest. He called for Luna's name but the only response was a sound of an owl. The breeze became colder so he wrapped his arms around his chest. As he looked upwards, he saw a piece of fur hanging on the branch of the tree. He reached and gradually examined it. 

This is definitely a wolf fur, he thought. How big can you be, Luna?

Meanwhile, Nathaniel followed a set of wolf trails. A hunch told him that Luna was there. He moved further. Suddenly, a fast movement from behind passed him. He turned around to see what it was, but nothing was there. Tension began to rise throughout his body as fear travels in his mind. But, he knew better than that. So, he took a deep breath and called Luna's name. 

"Luna!" He shouted. "Luna! It's me! Nathaniel!"

 Luna didn't seem to recognize his voice. For her, it was an irritating sound. She followed as he walks. 

"You know, it's really bad to sneak around some people." He said. "Someone told me that."

As she heard those words, flashback struck her. Traces of sound and memories began to form in her mind. This was not just a sound, this is a specific one. 

"Luna! I'm sorry, but I'm invading your privacy." 

This time, Luna knows. The irritating sound, was Nathaniel's voice. She jumped out from the trees and faced Nathaniel. He was surprised. He looked at her eyes, hoping to see tenderness, but instead, nothing. It was cold. 

"Luna?" He called. 

Nathaniel reached out his hand to place on her fur but Luna snarled. His hands backed away. This isn't the Luna he knows. This time, it's dangerous. Gradually, he stepped backwards as Luna moves towards him. He looked up the sky. 

"It's full moon." Nathaniel muttered. "No wonder."

His eyes fixed upon Luna as the moon shines brightly at her. Even if she's mad, she's certainly still cunning. 

I cannot believe that even if she's going to kill me now, I still want her to be my girl, he thought. 

Luna noticed that Nathaniel was thinking of something. She wondered and looked at his eyes, but she found nothing. Her curiosity began to kill her so tried to jump over him. However, Nathaniel saw it coming. She dodged Luna's attack and began to sprint towards his father's way. But Luna was fast and big, he knows she would catch him anytime now so he screamed for help. 

Lucas heard and turned at Nathaniel's voice. But he couldn't see clearly. All he could see was shadows moving fast. He fixed his eyes to the image. To his surprise, it was Nathaniel and a big hairy wolf.

"Luna." He said. 

Lucas rushed towards Nathaniel and moved at their back. The only way to administer the serum into Luna's body is if he will attack from behind. He ran and ran. Luna didn't seem to notice Lucas' presence because she was too busy, trying to catch Nathaniel. Then, all of a sudden, an extreme rush of fluid began to flow throughout her veins. She stopped and howled. Her body began stiff. She tried and tried but she couldn't move. Luna began to whimper, it's the first time she felt vulnerable. However, her mind and heart began to ease. She's starting to feel like her own-self again but only, her strength was slowly fading away. She looked up. It was Lucas. He injected a serum to calm her down. She wanted to say something but no words came out from her mouth. 

"It's okay Luna." Lucas said, brushing his hands across her head. 

Luna's body was weak. She gradually transformed into her physical form. However, she can't move nor feel her muscles. Then, she remembered what the spirits have said.  

Use it wisely. Never too much, never too less. Especially on full moon, where you hit your lowest point. If you use your power uncontrollably, death will be the prize.

"Luna, can you hear me?" Nathaniel asked. 

She didn't quite understand. All she knows was her body have lost its full strength. Luna closed her eyes and slowly drifts away. 

"Oh no, Luna!" Nathaniel placed his hand around her neck and shook her. 

"Nathaniel! Stop!" Lucas shouted. 

Nathaniel looked at him. He eased his voice down. 

"Luna's okay. It's the serum. It's slowly helping her body to heal and process from her transformation. It's not easy turning into a wolf, you know."

Nathaniel didn't seem to care. "We have to take her out of here before anyone else see us." 

"Alright. Take her to the cottage where I used to take you for private training. While I go back and grab some of her clothes. Okay?" 

Nathaniel nodded. He carried Luna and set his way to the cottage, while Lucas went back to grab some clothes. It was quite a night to remember. Luna was more powerful than they ever thought. 

But, beneath the forest, a young man was mysteriously watching them.  

"This is going to be interesting." Victor said.    

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