Chapter Sixteen

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When Luna arrived at the Capital, she quickly lock the man inside of the cell room. She didn't bother to wake the Commander. It can wait til' tomorrow, she thought. However, the matter of waiting made her anxious and ponder over the next move. What was he talking about? What does he want?  Thoughts began to flow in Luna's head, then suddenly, she felt a touch over her soldier. It was the obnoxious man whom she had met in the camp. 

"What are you doing here?" She asked irritatingly. 

"Well, well, well, I see Nathaniel girl's all alone. Where's your bodyguard?" He teased.

"Answer my damn question."

"Feisty." He glanced at her from head to toe. "From what I heard, Commander Lucas have assigned and placed you as top from the General." 

"What's in it to you?"

He laughed. "You amuse me. Don't you know? The General is my father. I will not let anyone, especially an immature to replace his position."

"I didn't replace his position."

"You made him second from the top. And to think, that you're still in training. I suppose that doesn't make you qualify to be a part of a higher rank." 

Luna let out a heavy breath. "You're right. I'm not. But I have abilities that might help the General. My intention was clear. I wanted to help, not to replace any position. They have worked very hard. I, on the other hand, needs alot of leaning." 

"Precisely. What a good girl you are." He smirked and touched her chin. 

Luna felt a snarl coming out but she was able of hiding it. Until, she heard Nathaniel's voice. 

"I guess that's my cue to leave. I'll see you around, princess." He winked and left. 

Luna couldn't believe of the truth. Since Nicholas' death, no one had spoken to her of how she tries but neglects to see the correct steps to become a captain. She's merely a beginner. She still needs proper guidance to help her in the path that she attains to achieve. 

"Luna." Nathaniel called, he wrapped his arms around and pulled her. 

A warm embrace and sweet calm voice are all that Luna needs for now. 

"I was worried about you. Where's the culprit?"

"He's in the cell." She utterly replied. 

"What's wrong?" He worriedly asked. 

She tried to let go of but he wouldn't.

"I have to speak to the General to suggest a proposition as well as to apologize."

Nathaniel felt a hunch. Victor.

"Of course, I'll accompany you."

"No, you don't have to. I have to this alone. If I want to be the captain one day, I have to face everyone while standing on my own feet." 

"As always, I support your decision." 

Being independent, strong, and confident will be Luna's foundation towards the Commander's and General's trust and respect. In order to gain the requirements, she will undergo lessons and massive training to show her determination and power. It's time to show them that they have made the right decision. 

Morning came, Luna immediately rushed into the Commander's office. She didn't slept through the whole night because of guarding the cell. 

"Luna." Commander was surprised. "I'm assuming that the training went unsurprisingly tiring."

"Commander. We were ambushed in the valleys. I believe Shattania's behind all of this."

"What?!" Commander stood in shock. "What happened?!"

"My men and I were resting for the night when I saw a group of men hiding beneath the woods. Nathaniel and I immediately followed them, then, they attacked us with knives and arrows. Luckily, neither of us were injured. We killed most of them and captured one. He's in the cell room. We figured he might talk if you talk to him."

The Commander looked terribly worried. This has been the second time Shattania crossed the border since the battle between two kingdoms.

"Alright. Tell Nathaniel to meet me in the cell. I'll be there in a minute."

"Yes, of course, Commander."

Luna exit the room. She looked for Nathaniel and told him about what the Commander has said. For the meantime, she will use the free time as an opportunity to face and speak to the General. She headed to his office but the door stood ajar, then, she heard voices. It sounded like an argument.

Should I eavesdrop? She thought. Wouldn't hurt.

She leaned her ears closer.

"Victor! Why did you tell her that?! You have humiliated and disrespected me. Now, she might think that I am full of pity and sent my son to report the news of how bad I feel!" General shouted.

"Father... I didn't mean to...."

"That was very immature of you. I'm very much disappointed. I didn't raise you to become a man with a sharp tongue. I raised and taught you how to be a man who respects everyone around him."

Victor bowed his head and looked on the floor with shame.

"Now, leave. Do your job. Be a well-respected man. I do not want to hear any complaints about or from you. Am I clear?"

"Sir, yes, sir." Victor saluted.

Luna heard steps coming to the door so she ran a few steps back. When Victor came outside, she pretended as if she's just walking by. He glared at her but Luna ignored and focused on her task.

A knock from the door.

"Come in." General said. In his surprise, it was the girl everyone's been talking about, Luna. "Ah, Luna. How may I help you?"

"Sir, I am here to apologize and to suggest a proposition."

The General became attentive. He's surprised and confused at the same time. His ears and mind sharpened as he shows his interest in the topic.

"Luna, why?"

"First, I apologize for being at the top from your position. Honestly, I don't specifically know what my position is, but I am very determined to fulfill my duties. Next, I would like to suggest that since I might not be perfect for the position, yet, you would be able to give me a proper training me in order to attain the knowledge of being a leader. I've come to realize that I am not yet ready to be in the position, therefore, I'll give you your spot, General. I don't deserve it, yet. However, you do." Luna was nervous but she's glad to let the truth out of her system.

The General was stunned of what Luna has said. He did not see it coming. A very smart, unique, and brave girl. No wonder she has been the talk of everyone.

"I accept your proposition." There was a long pause. "And I will truly be glad to give you your proper training."

Luna burst out of joy! She couldn't believe that her plan worked. But, reality has slapped her. She fixed herself and stood straight.

Luna almost lost her words. "Thank you so much, General. I truly appreciate it."

"No problem. We'll start in two hours. For now, I have to attend the Commander's call. You are now, dismiss."

"Thank you, sir." She saluted.

Luna left the room with joy and excitement. Now, she has to prepare herself. For the real training she has to face. It's an honor to be trained by the General. This is the opportunity she will never waste.

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