Chapter Seventeen

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Commander Lucas ordered to transfer the man in the interrogation room where the General and some of his men listen behind the one-way mirror. He sat and faced him as if he was looking through his soul. 

"Before we start, I would like to introduce myself." He said. "I am the Commander. Head of the army. And now, interrogating you." 

Lucas fixed himself and crossed his forearms on the table. The man glared at him irritatingly.

"Did the king of Shattania sent you?" He asked. 

The man didn't answer. 

"Who are you working for?"

He remained silent. 

Typical interrogation, Lucas thought. Might as well spice things up a bit.

"Okay, here are your files." He took out a folder piled with papers. "According to this, your name is Greg Brown, 30, citizen of Shattania, a husband, and a father of twins. Wow, would you look at that. You have three beautiful girls in your life. Such a shame, you wouldn't be home for dinner. Again."

Greg's eyes and face started to fire and his breath became heavier. Lucas noticed his sudden change of emotion which made the interrogation easier for him.

"Alright Greg, here's what we're going to do. You will answer my questions truthfully then I'll try to get you out of the cell.  But, if you don't," Lucas threatened. "I will hunt your family and do the same thing you did to my men. We have the best spies and assassins. As a citizen of Shattania, you should have known that by now."

Greg's anger burst out. The Commander's words polluted his mind that he felt the surge to attack him. But he couldn't. His family is on the line and he cannot bet their lives in a complicated situation. He would rather die than lose them.

Lucas noticed the change of anger into fear. He smirked. He realized the advantage that he's holding. 

He stood up. "You have til' tomorrow to decide whether you answer or stay here without the knowledge of your family's safety. You know, Greg, I bet I'm not the only one who would be looking for your family. The mission has failed, whoever sent you might get the memo, and..." Lucas stopped for a moment. "We both know how these things go."

Greg's eyes widened. What Lucas said was true. The man who paid them must already know that they have failed their mission. And now, his family have nowhere else to go and no one to rely with. He didn't have any choice. He's dead either way, might as well say something. 

"Wait." Greg said, preventing Lucas to leave. "I'll talk."

Lucas stepped backwards and sat on his seat again. Threatening was not his forte but it surely worked on Greg. He can see that he really cared about his family. Not only that, but he also made a point by stating the truth about what other men can do to his loved ones. 

"We didn't work for the king. He's working on a project but I will tell that later on." Greg exhaled. "Someone from inside of Canisia paid us."

Lucas let his jaw open with shock. At first, he couldn't believe what he heard but it is also not impossible. Of course, someone wants to know everything about what the army's plotting in order to be ahead. But the question is, who might it be? 

He continued hesitantly. "I don't know who it was. Everytime we meet, he's always inside of the carriage with his mask on. He never showed his face. It's merely appear and disappear. He will tell us what to do, then after we completed the task, he will give us the money. Then leave."

"How did you know that he's from Canisia?" He persistently asked. "Do you recognize the voice? Did he tell you why and how does he want to destroy his own kingdom?"

Greg took a deep breath. "When we met in the woods for the first time, he told us that both of his parents died because they were killed by Canisian soldiers during the first battle between both kingdoms. Then, he was placed in a Canisia orphanage after being found by one of the rescue volunteers. He was adopted and care. However, the ashes from the outside might be gone, but never in his heart. Since then, he made vengeance as his only goal. Vengeance to make Canisia fall." 

Lucas was speechless. How can he consider everyone as trustworthy if this could happen. Perhaps, he might have trusted for so long. 

Greg continued. "I am sorry, Commander but his voice wasn't very clear due to the mask that he was wearing. But, he also told us about bringing the 'she-wolf' down along with the kingdom."

Lucas eyes' grew wider. How can this possibly be? 

"Although, I am not certain. He must have gone crazy in that part." 

Lucas commanded one of his men to escort the General out of the other room while he continue the rest of the interrogation. The General was furious. He felt as if Lucas really removed him in his position as one of the top. But, a matter of serious danger has come upon their kingdom. Lucas could not let anyone know about Luna's secret. Yet.

Lucas let a heavy breath out. Do it for the kingdom, he thought. 

"Tell me about the she-wolf" He said. 

"Well, the trees have ears. He believed that the legends would come true especially, when he heard about the attack that happened a week ago. And, perhaps, it did. They said that a girl transformed into a wolf and killed every men of Shattania. Of course, we didn't believe him. It was absurd. But rumors spread easily." Greg stopped.

"Well?" He narrowed his eyebrows.   

"They said that they will use the she-wolf as a weapon against Canisia. He's planning to catch her but never mentioned a specific date. It would take a master plan to capture a creature like her." 

Lucas looked frustrated. Not only he has to secure Canisia but also, their greatest weapon, Luna. He's confident that Luna is smart enough to be captured by some dirty criminals. Plus, she's stronger than this. No one could even attempt to mess with her. 

"Whatever you're hiding, I'm sure everyone will find out sooner or later. There are alot of things you should know. If I were you, I would prepare everyone right now" Greg smirked. "Commander." 

Lucas glared at him. One minute, he's on his side and now, he's turning against them by stating a threat. He felt a surge of anger but it's not worth his time. 

"Thank you," He said. "For the information. Too bad, your wife would waste another piece of dinner and you're not there to notice it. Take him back to the cell." 

The guards grabbed Greg on his arms and dragged him back to the cell. Lucas was pondering as he walks back to his office. He immediately scheduled a meeting with the King for the given information. Also, he notified all of his men to meet him for some instructions and warning. One by one, they all came, even the General. 

He sharpened his voice as he give orders to them. Everyone needs to secure the perimeter and spies have to report him immediately at the end of their duty. A single detail should not be missed. If it does, there will be some consequences. Sharp eyes, ears, and mind plus a deadly weapon are necessary. Lucas gave every order clear. Everyone agreed, except for the General. Lucas haven't talked to him about the situation and seemed like he considered him as an invisible.

"We need to talk." General commanded. 

Lucas nodded. Everyone dismissed.   

"What's going on?" He asked. 

Lucas explained everything to the General. However, he left Luna's part behind. It would turn into a complete chaos and madness if everyone knew about Luna's abilities and powers. Trust will become less and mayhem will become more. Besides, no one would believe him unless she turns into it. 

"I will do my duty for the kingdom. But Lucas, don't forget that I am still the General. I have merely a power." He said. 

Lucas sensed a tension rising. "I know. That is why I am relying on you. I will handle the military while you handle the navy."

The General arched his eyebrow. "Sounds like a plan to me."

He left the room with annoyance and disappointment. 

And you call yourself a Commander, he thought. 

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