Chapter Four

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Luna aroused from her slumber. She touched her heart and felt a tingly sensation. It almost felt like some part of her are missing, however, she cannot put them together in pieces. Luna gazed outside the window. People are going in and out of the forest while carrying dead and injured bodies. There was a huge smoke covering the night sky which made her worried. Her heart started to beat faster as she rushed down her bed to find her mom for some answers when suddenly, someone opened her door. 

"Luna, you're awake." Her mom said.

"Mom, what's going on?" Luna replied. "Where's Nicholas?"

"Honey, I think it's better if you just come with me to meet the Commander. They said that he will give us the answers that we need."

Luna became more worried. The fact that Nicholas might possibly be gone, crushed her inner soul. Before they left the room to meet the Commander, Luna gazed at the sky once more but it's still covered with heavy smoke. She frowned. Please, Nicholas, she thought. 

Two guards assisted them to the Commander's office. When they entered the office, Luna noticed that it has blue wall painting filled with certificates and medals, a Canisia flag at the corner, and two bookshelves. It also have a wooden desk with his title sitting on it plus two wooden chairs infront. She also noticed the two gentlemen beside the Commander looking seriously straight at them. It was quite disturbing for her.

"Hello Mrs. Montgomery. And of course, Luna. I am Commander Phillip Lucas and these fellow men are Sergeant Damien Francisco and Sergeant Major of the Army, Kai Wells." Commander Lucas said. "They are here to inform you about some troubling news. But please, take a seat." 

Luna and her mother sat down. Sgt. Damien Francisco moved forward. Thoughts kept running inside her mind as her heart beats faster. But, whatever this man has to say, she will take it bravely. 

"Ma'am, your son was a great man and will always be. He's a warrior, a friend, and a brother. Captain Nicholas possess strong abilities physically and mentally. He's truly one of a kind. Unfortunately, an attack happened a few hours ago at the Capital where Nicholas and his men was stationed."

Luna's eyes widened. 

Sgt. Francisco continued. "Our men fought but there were too many enemies approaching. Captain Nicholas sacrificed himself by activating the most deadliest bomb we've ever created to stop the battle. If it wasn't for him, we would all be dead by now. We're truly sorry."

Luna's mother began to weep while she's holding back her tears. 

She cleared her throat and asked. "What kind of bomb was it?"

SMA Wells stepped in. "Young lady, you brother used the STOC7."

"What's STOC7?" 

"STOC7 was our latest powerful deadliest bomb. Unlike any other bombs, it has the capacity and power of a nuclear bomb. It also contains toxic and substances that spreads throughout the area which kills anyone who goes near it after the explosion."

"What about us? Aren't we also suppose to be affected by the toxic from the explosion?"

"Yes, we are. But since we're far away from the area, it became slightly less toxic."

"Wait, so if the STOC7 has the same potential of a nuclear bomb, shouldn't all of us be dead too?"

"You are one curious girl." He smirked. "Well have you noticed those poles outside?" SMA Wells pointed.

"Yes, I have." she replied with confidence. 

"Those poles surround the whole kingdom. After the queen died, the king demanded a double protection that's why we built them everywhere except on the battlefield and army bases.  They propel and cancels the energy, wave, and impact of the bombs so that's why we're not that much affected. On the other hand, according from our source, the Kingdom of Shattania was severely damaged from the explosion. Hundreds of their men died including some innocent civilians. We may have won this war but we lost many of our soldiers, especially your brother, our hero." 

Hearing those words from Sgt. Francisco and SMA Wells broke her heart. It is true, Nicholas is gone, she thought. The moment that she has been fearing to come, finally came. Her mind suddenly began to fill with thoughts that she felt like it might explode. However, she cannot let them see that she's weak. Luna knows to herself that she's as strong as her brother. She stood up and gazed at them slowly. 

 "Couple of men also sacrificed their lives to help my brother activate the bomb, Sir." She looked at them straight in their eyes. "They are also heroes." 

The men nodded their heads. 

"The king invited the both of you to attend the ceremony to pay a tribute for those we lost." Commander Lucas said. "It will be held on Saturday."

"We will be there, thank you." Luna replied. 

Luna and her mother left the room with an intense load of grief. She held her mother's hands gently as they walked back in their bedrooms. It breaks her heart more to see her mother so vulnerable. Luna wrapped her arms around her mother as she fell asleep. However, no matter how Luna tried, her brain would not let her fall asleep. Her mind races. Thinking about what will happen now that Nicholas is gone? Will there ever be a place in this world for them? How can she stay strong without him? She gazed at the stars. 

"The sky is clear now. No more smoke. No more chaos. Just brightly shining stars. There will always be hope around the corner, Nicholas. I just have to be strong to see it no matter what or how darkness comes against me. One day, when I am ready, I will do my best to not let Shattania ruin Canisia again. I will honor you just like how you honored our family. I will work hard to be a captain one day, and I will make sure that your sacrifice will always be remembered." She whispered. "I miss you, Nicholas."

Luna closed her eyes as she cries to her sleep. 

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