Chapter Twenty

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"We're almost there, Luna." Nathaniel said, as he carries her deep in the forest to the cottage. 

Nathaniel's heart began to race fast. The risk of losing the girl of which his heart desires echoes through his mind.  He holds tight and precious, as if she's the most delicate diamond in the world. Well, for him, she is. To him, Luna's beauty cannot be compared to any other. Even if she turns into a wild beast. His admiration for her grows even deeper as he learns about her further. 

When they arrived, he placed her carefully on the wooden bed and covered her body with a blanket. The cottage was not fancy nor big. It was an old-type but cozy. Perfect for a hide-out. When Nathaniel starts to place himself towards Luna's, he realized something. It occurs to him that Luna's body can generate heat which means if he moves closer, then Luna would not feel anything but a slightly increased body temperature. 

"Oh Luna, I wish you'll be alright." He said, turning at the marvelous night sky. "The moon is as beautiful as you Luna. Which is funny because your name means 'moon'. Don't worry, I'll never leave your side."

Meanwhile, Luna's body began to heal slowly. The serum calms her mind and heart which works dangerously at the times like this. It also slows her blood flow and strengthens her immune system. Specifically, it eases her inner-wolf down. Luna's vital signs began to be stable and she will attain full recovery later on.  

All of a sudden, someone knocked over the door.

"Nathaniel." Lucas approached, handing a bag of clothes. 

"Father." Nathaniel replied, placing the bad on the chair. 

"How's Luna?" Lucas said, glancing over her. 

"She's doing fine. I think the serum is working very well. Her temperature and blood flow are starting to go back to normal."

"Great. That means, she's slowly regaining her strength. I just hope she will wake up sooner. I need to tell her something."

"What?" Nathaniel's eyebrows narrowed. "What for?"

"Nathaniel, with a power like that, she could be the key to win the war. Besides, she has completed her training with the General. I'm sure she could handle everything in the battle field."

"So, what you're saying is, you're going to use Luna against Shattania?"

"I'm not using her. May I remind you, she wanted to be the Captain--"

Nathaniel's eyes widened. "Woah. Woah. Hold on. You're telling me that you're going to appoint her as the Captain? Can't you see? She's too weak right now! She has to regain her strength in order to pass every obstacle. Plus, we must figure out how and why did she transform in full moon."

"Nathaniel please, don't be naive. It's too obvious. A wolf's lowest point is every full moon. It is when she uses her body and power uncontrollably. Apparently, our wolf doesn't know how to use her power well. But perhaps, she will learn as she discover and learn more of her power."

Nathaniel gazed at Luna. "When will you tell her?"

"In the graduation." Lucas smirked. "Don't tell me that you have forgotten about it."

"No, no. Of course not. It's just that.." He sighed. "Everything moves quickly for Luna. Do you think she would ever catch up?"

"Don't be ridiculous, son." Lucas placed his hand on Nathaniel's shoulder. "She's the she-wolf. She can adapt in her environment very quickly."

Nathaniel nodded. "Okay, I guess you're right."

"Great. Now, I must go back to the Capital before they could suspect something. Stay here with Luna. She will need you once she wakes up."

"Yes, father." Nathaniel embraced him. 

"Good luck, son." 

And so, Commander Lucas embarked his journey back to the Capital. It was a quite night. But now they learned another thing about Luna's capabilities. It is an advantage that they are willing to risk.     

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