Chapter Two

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They've made their way to the other side where an army truck has been waiting for them. They headed their way back to the Capital safely while the threat of the enemy are blowing across wildly with the winds. Luna attempted to approach Nicholas for a chance to know what exactly is going on, however, he ignored her and faced to his fellow men. Luna is not dumb nor satisfied. She keenly observed her surrounding and noticed that whatever they are doing is completely dangerous and should be stayed out of.  After a long hour drive, they finally arrived. 

"Luna," Nicholas said. "Come with me, I'm going to take you to mother."

"Nicholas, I'm scared." She replied.

Nicholas knelt down on his knee and embraced her. He can feel the trembling heart of his beloved sister. He needed to make her feel safe and secure for he cannot bear to lose Luna in this kind of situation. 

"Hey. Do you see those stars?" Nicholas pointed upwards. 

Luna looked up and smiled.

"Yeah. They're beautiful!" she replied with enthusiasm. 

"Those stars symbolize hope. In a world full chaos and devastation, there will always be hope, brightly shining around the corner. You just have to open your eyes to see it clearly and never let fear devour you." 

She giggled. "As long as we have hope, we can face and conquer anything, right?"

He smiled. "Right. Just always remember what dad would always say."

Luna gazed at Nicholas and smiled even more. She's very happy and grateful to have a brother like him. They may have lost their father but his spirit lives on with Nicholas. And so, he brought her to their mother's tent. Luna rushed into her mother's warm embrace as Nicholas turns and face another trouble. 

There has been another attack from the North. It attacked the capital near them. Fifty people died while the rest has been taken to be tormented. The King of Shattania shows no mercy. He would take the captives, torture, and brain-wash them so they would end up serving for his kingdom and look at Canisia as their sworn enemy. 

Nicholas knew what's coming. He ordered his troops to prepare and asked the King to send more. He could not let anything happen to his family nor near his kingdom. In order to save both, sacrifices has to be made. He quickly gathered his army to devise a plan.

"Listen up!" He commanded. "The enemies are approaching in. They have passed through our line. If we don't stop them now, our kingdom would never see sunlight again." 

The troops glanced at each other with determination.

"They have destroyed the Capital 3 which means it would only take them an hour and a half to arrive," he continued. "We are going to be divided in five troops. We are a strong army, I'm certain that we can take them down. Troop one, you will be implanting bombs around the approached area. After the bombs explode, you will throw smoke grenades to cover our battlefield movements. That's where troop two will go in, you will be distracting the enemy while troop three, where I will be joining, will attack from the rear to front. Troop four will go beneath the grounds and through the tunnels to save the captives. Lastly, troop five will be our snipers. Get to the highest and safest position. Understood?"

"Sir! Yes, sir!"

"Get to your positions and work! Dismiss!"

The troops immediately surrounded and spread throughout the area to start the work. They moved eagerly fast for no time has to be wasted. As a captain, he has to push them in order to protect the kingdom. As Nicholas, he cannot let anything bad happen to his family. Therefore, he ordered six of his men to evacuate and bring Luna and his mother to safety. At first, Luna acted stubbornly. She didn't listen to what they're saying nor let any them touch her. She started screaming and act ignorant.

"No! I am not going anywhere with you! I am not going to leave without Nicholas!" Luna yelled. 

But then she saw her mother's face that looked like a picture that cannot be painted. She took a deep breath, glanced at the soldiers, and started to obey their orders.Her mother grabbed her hand and followed the men to the truck. There, Nicholas stands, waiting for them. 

"I heard that you're not behaving well, Luna." He said. 

Luna bowed her head with embarrassment. She despises whenever her brother hears about the trouble that she has done. She like to think of herself as an angel on his shoulder, not a stubborn devil. Unfortunately, manners sometimes doesn't apply.

"Luna, we don't have much time. You have to listen me very carefully. This truck will take you at the base near the palace where you will be safe. You see those men?" He pointed. "You can trust them. However, always be careful of who you trust in the future. Have courage. I want you to protect mother. And no matter what happen, never forget what our father has taught you and to always look at the stars whenever you're in the dark. Understand?" 

She nodded. "You're not coming?" 

"Sometimes you have to make a sacrifice for the ones you love" 

"But Nicholas----" 

He kissed Luna's forehead and embraced her. 

"Always know that you're the most important person in my life."

He placed her inside of the truck then assisted his mother. 

"I'm very proud of you Nicholas." she said.

He kissed her hand. 

"TAKE THEM OUT!" He shouted. 

As the truck began to move, Luna cried her brother's name. She attempted to jump off the vehicle but they strongly grabbed her. She fought back, not caring what Nicholas will think about her behavior anymore. I have to stay with Nicholas, she thought. Luna punched, kicked, and bit them but her might was not enough to escape these men. She saw how Nicholas fades away as the truck droves further away. 

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