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The mask I wear

Is becoming stuck

I can no longer remove it

I scream out for help

But it never comes

The mask I wear

Is becoming part of me

The part I hate

The part I wish never excited

No exit or removal

This mask taught me something

It taught me to be fake

Never show your real emotions

Ignore the compliments

And keep the hate

Lock it I your heart

And save it forever

Don't loose it so you know

How worthless you are

Nothing good is coming your way

This is what my mask had taught me

I will fallow it down

I won't remove it anymore

I can't lose it

I shall keep it on forever

I'm just scared of what's under

What's under the mask is mine

No one is allowed to see it

Never to be seen again

Forbid to all eyes

Keep my ask on tight

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