4. Sara's family reunion

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Chapter 4: Sara's family reunion

It was 11:00 pm. I was getting ready to go to bed when my cell phone started ringing. Since it was so late, I rapidly silenced it. After that, I looked at the screen. I didn't have the person's caller ID. That's strange...

I pick up, "Hello?"

A male voice that I didn't recognize answered 'Hello. Is this Samantha?'

Hum... I must have precaution. A male calling me at this hour is too strange.

"She's speaking... Who's this?" I asked.

'Oh! Yes, sorry. Samantha, It's me Ian!'

"Ian? I didn't recognize your voice... Oh thank God I though it was a psycho dude calling me or something!" I answered relieved.

'Yeah, I get that a lot.' he said, sounding serious.

"Oh really?..." I asked a bit concerned.  Am I really talking to a psycho...

'No, not really...' he said seriously and laughed a bit a while later. I joined him.

"Ian, Why are you calling me?" It is a very important question. One that is very awkward. Now that I think about it, shouldn't have asked that.

'Oh, yeah...' he coughed a bit nervously and then said:

'Tomorrowthere'sgonnabeapartyandIwanttoinviteyouandmakeuptoyouthefallingonthestairs...' Ian said all so quickly I didn't understand a thing.

"Ian don't talk so fast. I did not understand a thing you said."

He let out a loud sigh.

'Look, tomorrow there's gonna be a party and I was thinking to invite you and make up to you the falling on the stairs thing...'

Oh, I get it now...! I knew this was coming, but inviting me to a party? This must be the same party Kaithlin was invited by Jake.

'Um... so can you come...?' Ian asked nervously after my sudden silence.

"Ian, I am so sorry. I can't go to this party. I already have plans for tomorrow." It was true, I was going to Sara's family reunion party.  Plus, even if I didn't have to go to Sara's place, mom would not allow it. Yes, she is that strict.

"And I already told you, you don't have to 'make it up to me' it was not your fault." I said.

There was a moment of silence... an uncomfortable silence. After a while, the silence was killing me.

''So, Ian, are you there?"

'Huh? Oh... yes sorry. I just spaced a bit.  So you can't come... Hey, it's ok. We can hang out together another time. Right?' Ian asked. I could detect a little disappointment in his way of talking.

''Um... yeah, it's ok...'' I answered a while later.

'So I guess this is good~bye..?' Ian said.

I could not help to laugh a bit, he sounded like a dude that is leaving his girlfriend and will never see her again... You know, the usual movie scenes.

"Don't say that like it's the last time you will talk to me Ian... You sound like a protagonist of a movie." I say with a smile.

He laughed a bit and kept playing 'No... don't leave me. I still want to talk to you... no, no, NO!' Ian said in a really dramatic voice.

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