19. Sara rules!!! -part one-

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Chapter 19: Sara rules!

Sara's pov

''Mom, I'm not going on a date with anyone. I'm going to hang out with Hunter today. Now before anything else happens, Good-bye!'' I said closing the door behind me with an annoyed look.

Damn you Taylor! Now my mother will think that I'm on a freaking date! I have to plan something. Evil laugh Mua ha ha ha ha ha! An ear for an ear; a mocking for a mocking.

I stared at the Mercedes in front of me. I whistled.

Imagine if I scratch it, what will the owner do to me? He might chase me with a pack of wolves and kangaroos. I chuckled. The kangaroos will be the hard ones to beat. They are freaking trained to be boxers, while the wolves are just over growned puppies. I chuckled again.

''When you stop chuckling to yourself, you can hop into the back seat, ya know?'' Hunter said with an annoyed look from the shotgun seat. In the drivers seat was one of Hunter's friends.

I rolled my eyes at him and stuck my tongue out.

I jumped into the back seat of the car. We drove off, heading towards the town.

''Hello my dear acquaintance!'' I said to Hunter with a grin through the mirror.

He narrowed his eyes at me. ''Hello my dear friend.''

I frowned. ''No friend of mine is friends with the enemy! He-who-must-not-be-named.''

''It's just Ron, not freaking Voldemort!'' Hunter yelled, but I knew oh so well what was happening.

''You are blind, my friend. He-who-must-not-be-named is evil, I tell you, evil. He has brain washed you and will soon create an army of zombies. You'll be the first to fall. Don't let him get you Hunter! Use the force within you! Fight him back!'' I yelled at him while I buckled up.

Hunter groaned. ''Why did I even give the idea for you to come?!''

The dude driving burst into laughter, but soon recovered since we almost ran over a mailbox.

See, this is why laughing people are not allowed behind a steering wheel.

Note to self: When getting driving licence, never laugh hysterically.

''Oh God... So this is the crazy chick that is challenging Ron?'' The dude asked chuckling but maintaining his eyes on the road.

I gasped but said this before even thinking. ''I am surrounded by the one-who-must-not-be-named pal's in crime!'' Oh gosh. I just said that in front of a guy I didn't even know!

The dude burst out laughing, this time a car behind us almost crashed into us. I let out a yelp. Now the dude wants to kill me!

The car passed by us and the man driving was cursing us from head to toe.

''F*ck man! Didn't you pass your driving license!?'' I yelled, again, without thinking. Where I got the courage to talk freely to this guy, is a million dollar question.

The dude chuckled. ''I did, but there wasn't a part where you had to drive laughing.''

Hunter chuckled. ''Sara, this is Edmond, he's 17. Edmond, this crazy living thing is called Sara, she's 15.''

I chuckled when I heard his name. Edmond sounded like almond. Ha ha, irony would be if he ate almonds.

''Dude, do you like almonds?'' I asked.

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