7. My birthday

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Hey everybody!

Hope you like this chapter, love you all!!! Oh, and prepare yourselves. I have a little surprise on this chap!...

Read to find out!


Chapter 7: My birthday

I woke up to my mom singing the happy birthday song in spanish with a cake in her hands. Wow it's already September 23! It's Friday, the day of my birthday...

" 'Ay, mi nena es quinceañera!!"(oh, my girl is a quinceañera) A quinceañera is something Puertorricans do when a girl turns fifteen. It's like a sweet sixteen only, ya know, sooner.

I laugh a bit, still a bit on the limbo side because of sleep.

I made a quick wish (it may or may not have to be with Ian) and blew out the candle.

I had asked mom to not do anything drastic like a party for my birthday. I only asked for dad and Edward to be here tonight and see a family movie.

I do the morning routine, say bye to mom and head to school. In the way there Sara's mom told me Sara had woken up early (surprisingly) and went to school. That is the strangest thing I have ever heard. Sara, waking early... Pshshush! ha ha!!! She must be sick or something!

I got to school and headed to my locker to get my English book, which I left. In the way there Keithlin appeared and started to sing:

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthd-'' I clasp a hand over her mouth and look around, people were staring. I hate attention.

"Shush! People are judging!!" I look around and a few were laughing. ''I won't let you go until you promise not to sing, ok?''

I didn't take my hand away until she nodded, then she screamed:


She finished with a huge smile. Everybody looked at me.

My face heated up. "Gosh, shush!" We started to head to my locker.

"Ha ha, sorry sorry... But you only said singing!" Keithlin said between giggles.

I rolled my eyes, but smiled.

I got to my locker and took out my English book. I was closing the locker when Ian rounded the corner casually. When he saw me he stopped with huge eyes.

I smiled at him and waved. He took a step back, turned around and rounded the corner he just came through. Almost running!

What did I do? I asked in my mind confused.


I looked at myself 'Do I look that bad?'

I was wearing a green T that had the France tower drawned on it, had my skiny jeans and black convers, my hair was loose. I'm pretty sure I did not look like a witch... Well, I hope I didn't.

I looked at Keithlin. She was looking at Ian's way with a look that said 'Unbelievable'

"Hey Keithlin, what's wrong with Ian? Do I look bad or something?''

Her eyes winded in shock ''I-I don't know what your talking about...'' She was lying. Sara knows how to lie, but Keithlin is a different story.

"Keithlin, you saw Ian. When he looked at me he panicked; like if he was scared of me.''

I saw her desperate eyes looking for an answer, an escape. What is she hiding?... Suddenly her eyes sparkled and, out of no where, she pulled a present bag that said happy birthday from inside her bag.

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