17. The news

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Chapter 17: The news

Keithlin's pov

I opened my eyes to only to see the coffee table clock. It read:

9:40 pm

I looked up to see everybody, even Mr. Fernandez (Sara's father) and William (Sara's little bro) looking at me with concerned eyes. I even caught Judy starting to make a phone call. To who, I don't know.

It was like if they were frozen in place. Frozen in time. But that couldn't be because at that moment a dog barked outside.

Judy's mom was the first to come to my side, leaving the phone on the floor. She kneeled next to me and started to pass her hand over my forehead, pushing strands of my hair away. A bunch of questions where immediately thrown at me.

''Keithlin? What's wrong? What's going on? Are you hurt? Do you feel pain? Are you ok?''

I frowned. I felt ok.

I sat up on the sofa. I didn't feel drowsiness, not pain, neither cold nor hot.

My hand found the way to my forehead. It was a totally normal temperature. I touched my cheeks. I realized I had been crying. It was easy for me to cry, but what I didn't realize is that I had been crying since I got inside.

Thinking about that pain made me shiver. I hope I never have it again.

''Yeah. I'm ok.'' I finally answered Judy's concerned question.

Judy's eyes softened. ''What happened dear?''

I frowned and started to explain it slightly, not all of it.

''Well. I started to get a headache, but as minutes passed, it turned into a really painful headache. I had nausea for a moment there. It felt like a really strong fever hit me. It all stopped a few seconds ago.''

Judy frowned. ''We should take you to the hospital to get you checked out... It sounds like you had an extreme panic attack."

I opened my eyes huge. ''No! I mean, it isn't necessary. I don't feel anything now. 'Pero gracias Judy, por preocuparse y cuidar de mi.' (But thanks Judy, for worrying and looking out for me.)''

Judy smiled kindly. '''No es nada. Eres como otra hija para mi. Como no me voy a preocupar!' (It's nothing. You are like another daughter for me, How wouldn't I worry?!)''

I smiled. I turned to the others.

Sara was as pale as a paper now, paler than usual, even if it sounds impossible. I might think she is just as white as always, only that her usual red lips are now deadly white.

Taylor looked like she wanted to eat her lip, because she was munching it so hard, teeth marks where left. If she keeps it up, she'll tear out her lip ring with a chunk of her lip with it.

Samantha had opened her eyes so much that they looked like owl eyes. Her eyes where a bit watery too.

To top it all, all their faces where stained with pure concern. How sweet! They worry about me!

I smiled. "I'm really okay guys. No need to worry. I'll go tommorow to the doctor to get me checked out. Um, Judy, could I use the shower?''

I really nedded to calm myself internally. That sudden pain has really shaken me. A hot shower is just what I need.

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