24. Surprises never end

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Chapter 24: Surprises never end

"But what happened!?"

"What did your dad say?!"

"Did he kill Ian?!"

"Of course not Sara!"

"I'm just asking!"

"Don't ask silly questions!"

"Well! I would like to know if my cousin is alive or not!"

"What did your mom say?!"

"Is your dad furious?!"

These where some of the questions (and annoying backfires between Taylor and Sara)  thrown my way while we walked to our first class. Hunter had stayed home, since he felt sick, but he made me promise tomorrow to tell him all the details about what happened yesterday.

"Sami! Freaking answer us! You're leaving us in the the dark here!" Keithlin screamed as she stepped in fronts of me making me stop walking.

I munched at my lower lip as Sara and Taylor made googly eyes at me so I would hurry up.

"Fine. Let me tell you what happened:"

-The day before-

~Ian's pov~

(NOTE * I thought it would be more interesting to put it at Ian's pov even thought it's Sami telling the story)

"Sir, I'm in love with your daughter."

Samantha had been in the middle of swallowing and immediately had a coughing fit. Samantha's mother gave a shriek of happiness and started ranting words while trying to help Samantha. Edward had burst laughing. Yes he had burst out laughing. Idiot.

It would have been a really funny thing to witness, but I was concentrating on not getting killed by her father. So, whilst I waited for him to speak, I came up with various emergency exists if this plan went south.

Maybe if I go through the back door? No. Too far. Front door he can catch me easily. The windows. Yes. I go to Sami's room, close the door so Mr. Rivera doesn't come in and I jump out the window.

It's a foolproof plan.

His gaze never left mine. It was unmoving, filled with debate and judgement.

Was he planning on killing me?

'Ian, just concentrate on the window'  I chanted to myself 'Concentrate on running to Sami's window'.

Mr. Rivera frowned, deeper with each passing second. His knuckles turned white from how hard he closed his hand against the table. His eyes narrowed at me, as if making us mind.

I maintained eye contact, even thought it was more than intimidating, I couldn't back down. I meant what I said. I loved his daughter, and he needs to understand it. But just in case, think of Sami's window.

"Boy..." He broke his silence, instantly getting everyone's attention.

Silence filled the dinner table.

I was prepared to run upstairs if needed.

Mr. Rivera finally sighed and looked between Sami and I.

"Ian Ford?" His tone sent an unpleasant shiver down my spine.

"Yes sir?" I asked. So now I'm thinking 'why the hell did I have a need to prove a point? I could have waited for Sami to say something. Instead Ill possibly be murdered.'

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