14. Dressing up

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I want to apologize for bad  grammar on the story. English is not my original language, Spanish is, sorry for my mistakes. If you see some, point them out!

Love ya'll wattpaders!

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Chapter 14: Dressing up

Saturday has arrived and so has the day for the Halloween party.

Last Monday, we went to the party store, (also known as the costume store). After looking around for a while, Taylor came up with a good idea. If this town is as small as we think, everyone will buy their costumes there. So, it's a big possibility people might wear the same costumes.

We decided to go to an oldinary store and bought outfits that would suit our characters for the party.

We had a lot to laugh at since the 'chocolate symthum' didn't drift away easily from Sara.  She went into the guys changing room! A guy our age came running outside after a high pitched yell.

"I believe I've seen things no woman has ever seen." Sara mumbled as she walked out.

But the good thing was that I finally found a costume. I was the only one without one! They all had their outfits already, except me! Could you believe that?

If you answered 'yes' to my previous question, you're on my 'I'm watching you' list.

I eventually found mine, thought.

I still won't say what I'm going dressed like... It will be a surprise!




Oh! Ok! I'll tell you! I'm going as a fairy. Don't laught too much or I'll strangle ya'. I'm a freaking fairy assassin! Ok, so maybe I'm just a fairy and made up the assassin part. Sara just gets those crazy ideas in my mind.

Keithlin, Sara, Taylor and I coordinated the 'make-up' schedule. We decided we should do our make-up on Sara's place, since it's the closest to the school. They were doing the party on the 'activities room', huge room, believe me. We had to be at Sara's, the latest, at four with our costumes on hand.

So here I am, waiting for Taylor to pass by my house and give me a lift to Sara's.

Waiting... and waiting... and waiting... This is getting boring.

I sat in my front porch and decided to think through all that's happend this semester with our radical lives (yeah, they are radical)

1)  We (Sara, Keithlin, and me) became friends with Ian and Jake. The connection started at me falling on the stairs with Ian.

It's strange how an accident can change your life. Sara often asks me how from totally not knowing each other or me not knowing anything about Ian, I bacame his girlfriend in such a small time?

Sometimes I think, is this right? Me being with Ian? But then that thought completely disappears and Ian's face, his laughter, his joking around, and his kisses pop into mind. I realize that this is real. All of this is real and I like it. I, right now, know Ian better than anyone; from my point of view, that is.

I also realize I'm too young to be in love. I'm a freshman in high school for crying out loud! But I can't control my feelings. I love Ian, if it's not love well it's certainly something close to it.

Never in my dreams I had thought I would be Ian's girl. Damn, it feels good.

2)     We got to know who we liked.  I liked Ian and Keithlin liked Jake. Sara was the exception. She still says she doesn't have a crush, which she obviously has!

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