18. Hospital

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Chapter 18: Hospital

Keithlin's pov

I gasped and held the arm of the sofa for support.

Judy let out a desperate cry. I think she decided to make a call to her cousin, Ian's father, because she stood up and walked to the kitchen in a hurry murmuring something about not informing her about the incident.

Taylor was still at the same spot, unmoving. But her eyes gave her away. The sadness and concern that bore her eyes was enough to say that she was just as shocked and sad as I am.

But I still had my eyes wide open, locked to the screen, even when Judy had turned it off before leaving the room.

'Ian Ford' The news lady repeated in my mind. 'In critical state'...

No one could describe the shock, sadness, concern, tragedy I was feeling right now.

The worst was the guilt.

Guilt of not knowing that this would happen. Guilt of not telling Ian what was going to happen. I had left the boys in that party to brace themselves to anything that might have happened, and this were the results. Ian was shot.

My heart tightened, as realization dawned in me. Ian has been shot. One of my friends has been shot. I should have told them all. Should have told Jake. Should have told Ian. Should have told Ron. Should have told Hunter. I should have told everyone. To those girls, even Carla. I should have told them all... But I didn't.

Everything happens for a reason. I had that strange feeling! Something bad was going to happen and indeed it did!

Suddenly that crazy dream made sense. The boys screaming at me for not warning them.

What if that bullet wouldn't have landed on Ian's shoulder? What if that bullet had taken away his life?! Do you know the sadness I'm feeling right now? The sadness that Samantha must feel right now?



I snapped out of my shock and with nerving hands pressed call on Samantha.

Each ringing sound made my heart heavier.

'What's up? Already miss me?' Samantha said with a chuckle.

Is it possible to make a person cry with only three words?

''Ian was shot.'' I said rapidly with a lump on my throat.

You will wonder if I'm feeling guilty for telling Samantha something so delicate like this on those specific chosen words and on the phone. But the truth is that the faster she knows the better.

Samantha didn't say anything for more than a minute. Eventually she asked:

'What do you mean Ian was shot?'

I turned on the sofa and looked at Taylor, she had composed herself and was staring at me with huge eyes. She mouthed 'Samantha?'. I nodded.

I took my phone away from my face and told Taylor.

''Taylor, Samantha is on the line, waiting for an explanation. I don't know how to give her one...'' I mumbled.

Taylor gulped. ''Um... Put it on speaker, so we both can explain it...''

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