28. Come together

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Chapter 28: Come together

Samantha's pov

I was so freakishly happy!

Today is the little come together dad threw for helping him find the job. Again: HAPPY!

My parents called the bank yesterday  and they agreed to make an interview. They were impressed at what dad told them he worked for, so the possibilities are big!

Dad thanked me yesterday so much. He didn't want to move to Florida either, so he was very thankful for the help he got from us.

I'm so happy we are staying here in North Carolina, where I belong. Yeah, I was born in Puerto Rico, but my friends and people I love live here.

Ian was so happy yesterday. We could stay and be here for each other. We learned that time might bring obstacles, but we can overcome them. 

I dressed up in jeans that are ripped on the knees and a green T-shirt that says Aero. I put on my pink converse and styled my hair into a high pony tail. A pink bow on the side too.

Edward works, since it's Saturday. He wanted to come, but had too much work. That's the only downer of today.

I went to the backyard. Not such a big space as Sara's backyard, but it's ok, I guess. It had been decorated by me and mom. Some balloons and moving some chairs to the backyard really makes a difference.

Dad had put the grill and was just getting it started. Mom was making the table humming happily to herself.

The front bell rang, signaling someone's here. I went to greet them. It was Sara and her family. Figures they were the first here. They live five minutes away!

"Samantha! Happy 'Your dad is probably getting a job in our town' Day!" Screamed Sara as she hugged me. I laughed amused.

"Thanks Sara. Hello Judy, Joe, William." I greet them.

Judy came and hugged me tight. "Oh Samantha! When Sara told me everything I was so worried. Nothing would have been the same without you here!"

I hugged her back and thanked her. Joe smiled at me and sniffed. "Who gave your dad permission to handle the grill? Why didn't he wait for me? Who is the best cook? I'm supposed to teach him a few things." whined Sara's dad.

I chuckled. "He started it up himself. He is just staring." I turned to Sara's little brother. "How handsome you look today, Willy." I said teasing him.

He shrugged and smirked. "Thanks beautiful. I'm always like this. All of this for ya!"

I rolled my eyes laughing as I let them come inside. Sara stayed with me in the living room as her family went to the backyard.

"Girl! I'm so happy! You are staying here with me!" Sara said hugging me.

"Good point. Let me tell dad I changed mind. Let's move to Florida."

"WHAT?!" Sara screamed letting me go.

I burst out laughing. "Just kidding Sara!"

"Your such a meanie!" Sara said laughing and slapping my shoulder.

"Oh my gosh Sara! You killed me!" I said with sarcasm. She just rolled her eyes.

After Sara, Ian arrived with his parents.

We exchanged the usual welcome and I led Ian's parents to the backyard. When our parents were out of sight, Ian and I started a make out scene in the living room. It's been a while since we kissed as had our alone time. Well, kinda an alone time:

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