27. Jobs

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Again warning: Boring and a filler. Not the best writing. Next chapter will be better.

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Chapter 27: Jobs

The game on Saturday went great. Golden Gate High school won the game.

It's now Friday. Free Period. 5 days before moving.

"Did you check this one?" Taylor said holding a page of the news paper.

"Yea, put that one on the seen pile." I instructed.

We were in the library during lunch. The librarian was good enough as to let us have our little disorganized table scattered with the newspaper pages.

"Dudes, here is one! 'Old woman looking for an old man to make her company.' So?" Said Sara. Jake snickered amused.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Sara, concentrate. Please."

"Another one here! Um, it's on the office in the police station near by. Interested?" asked Hunter.

I stopped. "Yeah, hand it to Keithlin so she can write the details in my note book."

We were doing this as organized as possible. Hunter, Jake and I searched the newspaper as Sara, Ian and Taylor searched on the computers. Keithlin wrote in my notebook any job we handed or told her. In the end we would have a list of the good jobs around here.

We are doing progress as time goes. Its been a week already. Every day we spend our lunch time in here, searching for a job. At free period too.

Taylor hummed at the laptop screen "Look at this one. It's near by. Around were you live, Keithlin. It might be of interest."

"Let me see." I moved to her side and read the description. It was about an accountants job at a bakery. Yeah, bakeries have accountants too.

"Keithlin, write it down." I instructed as I returned to my working place to keep looking.

"Don't want to bother you again, but I think I found the perfect job." Sara said. We all stopped and listened. "It's in a music shop!" Sara grinned.

Taylor grinned. "As awesome as it sounds, I don't think Sami's dad will like it. I mean, I like it! But it's not an oldies job."

Sara pouted. "You're right. Keep looking then."

I narrowed my eyes at Taylor. "Dad ain't old."

Taylor rolled her eyes. "He still is older than us."

I shrugged. "I guess."

"What exactly does your dad like?" asked Ian.

"He's sort of an accountant. He works with money in a way. Dad worked in a big company before. He was the one who evaluated all the accountants in the company. Something like that. I don't understand much of his job. He traveled a lot, that's what I know." I answered with a shrug.

It was almost time for our next class when I stumbled upon a news that had me with hope. It was perfect!

"Guys! Guys! I found it!" I said with a smile.

They stopped what they were doing and listened to me give the details. It was just too wonderful to be true.

Ian hugged me tight. "See, I told you we would do it!"

I nodded as the bell rang. We said our goodbyes an headed to our next class. I was just hoping for time pass quick. I wanted to talk to dad the fastest as possible.


"Why are you calling me here?" Dad asked as we all (Sara, Keithlin, Taylor, Hunter, Jake, Ian, and me) sat in my living room.

"Dad, you said that if you didn't find a good enough job that was near here you would move with mom and I to Florida, right?" I asked him with the paper in my hand.

He frowned and nodded. "Why yes. And... You tell me this why?"

I grinned and showed him the paper. He took it slowly in his hands and read. We could not seat still in our seats. I moved my hands and feet, and the others too. We are too much of a nervous wreck to be sitting right now.

Dad looked up with a raised eyebrow. I held my breath as Ian took my hand in his.

Dad smiled and asked. "You searched a job for me so we wouldn't move, am I right?"

We all nodded eagerly.

"And you chose this one? To work on the bank?" He asked.

We nodded again.

His smile grew "Well, I am happy to say that for now, this is an excellent job. Your mother and I will make the call. I'm very proud of you guys. You have showed me that you, all of you kids, care in a way for my daughter. Thanks Samantha."

Dad came and hugged me tight.

Mom, who was overhearing the conversation from the kitchen, ran inside the living room and jumped on dad's back screaming. We almost fell to the ground. Dad let me go and hugged mom instead. I went to Ian's side.

"¡¡¡Oh gracias gracias gracias!!! ¡¡¡Nos quedamos!!!' (Oh, thank you thank you thank you!!! We are staying!)" Mom screamed.

We all screamed with happiness as well. This was great. Finally we are going to stay for good.

Ian hugged me tight and kissed my head. "We did it Sami. We can stay together."

I nodded. I was so happy. Everything at last was coming to a stand still. Everything was ok and we will be as happy as ever.

Mom went to the phone to call and say the news to Edward. He would like to hear it as soon as possible.

"We will do a come together! Everybody! Tomorrow. At our backyard. You're all invited!" Dad announced with a wide grin. "Of course, this doesn't mean I have the job. But, it opens many possibilities."

We all whooped and hugged each other. Little did I know, that this come together will add a few things in my life. Some I don't even agree on.

Love & Hugs!


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