/Country/ UsUk- Chapter 33

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Sorry I've been gone for so long, high school has me wrapped up in work.

"So I think we should have a sleepover and play some games or something" America said. Currently, they were in the meeting room and he wanted to try and have a sleepover. Not only because he wanted his friends over, but he wanted everyone to get along. And also show off his lover.

America had always been a show off. Especially about his lover, England. I mean, how else could he tell everyone else that England was his? "So, you guys can come over around like seven and bring some snacks!" He laughed his 'heroic' laugh and walked out, England following closely.

"Love, are you sure you sure you want to have a sleepover?" England said to his lover, a bit concerned. He didn't have a problem with it, it was just that he well...sleep talks and such. He didn't want everyone to notice that or experience it. It'd be too embarrassing.

"Yes babe, I'm sure. We could play truth or dare or somethin'" His American lover answered, grabbing the Brit's hand and kissing his forehead.  "If you say so" He sighed and they both walked to the car. "Babe, what could possibly go wrong?" "I don't know..." they both got in the car and drove back home, setting everything up.

--le timeskip--

Everyone gathered around the living room, getting ready to play some Mariokart. "Alright dudes, whever wins gts to choose what game we play" France smirked. His dirty, perverted mind surely wanted to win. As they played, the final round came up fast.

America vs. France. England sat on his lovers lap, watching closely to see the winner. Closer.. closer..aaaannd...WHAT?!  Turns out France did in fact win. "Wait how?!" France laughed and put his controller own saying three words "spin the bottle".

--le timeskip--

They all decided to sit in a circle and play that stupid game. France went first and he got....England. America fumed in jealousy and held on tight to the Brit. His Brit. "Sorry Frenchie, you ain't kissin' him"  "ohonhon~ but it is a game, non?"

"I don't care. Iggy is mine not yours" England looked away, blushing furiously. "A-Alfie can't we just play a different game or go to bed?" America looked down at his lover and smiled. "Anything you want babe" England smiled and bit his lip.

The little things his American lover did, drove him crazy. "I'm a bit tired" "Then lets all go to bed" After a while, they all agreed to go to sleep. They slept in pairs since the place was a bit small. "Psst, Iggy" England groaned and cuddle up to his pillows more.

His American lover poked his cheek. "Babyyyyy!!" He whisper-yelled. "Babe! Beautiful! Gorgeous! Its important!!" England finally woke up and gave America a death glare. "What?" America smiled. "I love you" The Brit blushed and cuddled up to his lover.

"I love you too, now go to sleep". America chuckled and kissed his lovers forehead. "Alright, darlin'".

2:37 am

France didn't know if it was a dream or not, but he felt pain on his head. He looked up to see a certain Brit punching him. (Excuse my horrible French speaking skills) "Angleterre!" England stopped for a minute and then started kicking him.

France didn't know whether to be surprised or angered. Of all people in the room , England had to beat the shit out of him. "WHOOOOOREEEE" England basically yelled out loud. France tried shaking America awake. No responce. Again. No responce.

'"Elp Me!!" He mentally thought while shaking America. England then started pulling on the French man's hair and punching him at the same time. 'Kill me'  France mentally thought yet again. He needed help, and he needed it now before his 'beautiful' hair fell off.

After about the thousand time, he finally woke up. "Huh...? Frenchy, what do ya need?" France merely pointed to England. America about burst out laughing. "I can't believe this" France sighed "Neither can I" America shook England awake.

His lover buried his face into a pillow, a bit angry from awaking from his 'precious' dream. "Whaaaat?" He groaned. America chuckled. "You were kicking and punching Flench Fly over there" (-A_Little_Britt- your nickname) England looked over at France.

His hair was messed up and he had a black eye. "I'm sure he deserved it, love" He smirked and layed back down. America burst out laughing and England giggled and went back to sleep. Well France learned a lesson; never go to one of America's sleepovers especially if England is there.

Bloody hell...774 words... thats A LOT. Oh and I would like to inform you all that I was told recently by my teachers to get back to my writing (they know about my wattpad and read my stories) because they like my writing SOOO I decided to update this book way more and I got a ton of ideas on making new books abut UsUk along with other ships. If you see like 40 books in my written stories thing, don't be surprised. :D I love all of you guys' support and I love you all! Until next time!

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