/Human/ UsUk- Chapter 13

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Alfred and Arthur were walking along a park when.. *POOF* "hehehe~ hello there little darlings" A wizard appeared! Arthur backed up while Alfred stayed in place, wide eyed.

"I don't like the fact you eat all those greasy burgers!!" The wizard said. Alfred looked at the wizard. 'Oh my god the same lecture like Artie again?' Alfred thought, clearly annoyed.

The wizard then made scones appear with his wand. "If you don't eat my scones, I'll turn you into a cat..FOREVER!!" Alfred wide eyed 'SCONES?! WHY?! WHY ME?!' Alfred thought.

"Uh okay" he grabbed one of the scones, which was clearly burnt, and took a bite out of it. 'Oh dear god this tastes HORRIBLE' he thought, still eating it. There were still four left so he shoved them into his mouth and ate them.

'I think im going to die if he brings anymore' Alfred tthought swallowing the scones. "There. I ate your scones" The wizard looked at Alfred. "Hm..alright you're free to go..BUT if I catch you eating more of those nasty burgers, I will turn you into a cat. No mercy"

"WHAT?!" The wizard laughed. "Until next time, American one." 'Oh so now you go on Artie's side? Is that what you British people do? Even wizards?' Alfred thought, rolling his eyes as the wizard magically disappeared.

Arthur was in the background, laughing his head off. "What's so funny?" Alfred said as Arthur took a deep breath. "The way you reacted was funny!" He stood up, not laughing anymore. Alfred hugged Arthur.

"How about we not go outside anymore?" Arthur chuckled. "I guess we could do that...if cuddling is involved" Alfred smiled. "Of course it is babe" Arthur let go of Alfred, putting his arms up.

Alfred tilted his head, confused by what he was doing. "Carry me" Alfred smiled and picked up the Brit. They were definitely not going outdoors anymore.

Haha random story but hey, it was pretty funny. Hope y'all liked it. Ive been like "LEMME UPDATE" for about an hour now. Im gonna update more later today. Also, thank you to all those 300 something reads. I really appreciate it. Well, until next time awesome people!

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