/Human/ UsUk- Chapter 7

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Sorry I took so long, I was trying to take care of the states. UUGGHH. Well anyways, hope y'all enjoy! :D

Alfred was putting up some cute decorations around the house. Today was Arthur's birthday and Alfred wanted to make his birthday amazing! He invited some of Arthur's friends to join the party. This was a Surprise birthday party.

Currently Arthur was at the store buying cat food so Alfred took the time to finish decorating. *ding dong* 'they're here!' Alfred though, running to get the door. He opened it, revealing Francis, Kiku, Ludwig, Feliciano, Lovino, Antonio, Yao, Ivan, Matthew, Basch (thats switzerland if you didn't know), Erika (Liechtenstein), and Gilbert.

"Hey guys! Come on in!" Alfred moved out of the way. "Kesese~ cool party!" Gilbert said, running inside. Alfred smiled. "Ve~ this is going to be amazing!" "Shut up idiot" "don't talk to your brother like that"

"Lovi don't be so mean! Want a tomato?" "Become one with me, Da?" "AIYAH, NO!" "These guys are way too loud...." "who are you?" "I'm Matthew..." "Stay away from my sister!" "Big brother, can we sing?"

"Ohonhon~ this is nice Alfred" "Hello Alfred-san" Alfred said a quick 'hi' before closing the door. "Alright dudes, Artie will be here anytime. Hide somewhere, I'll turn off turn off the lights and then when he comes in, we surprise him Got it?"

Everyone nodded and hid somewhere. Soon enough the front door opened. "Alfred? Sweetheart where are you? I brought-" "SURPRISE!" "AH!" Arthur fell backwards. "What the bloody hell?" "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

Everyone said in unison. Arthur stood up. "You...I..." Alfred walked over to Arthur and hugged him. "Happy birthday babe" Arthur started tearing up and hugged Alfred back.

"Thank you love. This is great" Alfred chuckled and kissed his forehead. "Anything for you" Everyone 'awed' at the couple. "LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" Gilbert yelled and everyone agreed. And so, the party started.

Everyone danced, Arthur opened his presents (and cried), most of the guys got drunk, and then late at night Alfred had yet another surprise for Arthur. "Wanna go outside?" Arthur looked at Alfred and nodded.

Alfred led him outside and sat down. Soon enough, fireworks started. A couple minutes after the original fireworks, new ones appeared spelling out 'Happy Birthday Arthur' with a heart at the end.

"You're the best love!" Arthur hugged Alfred. Alfred chuckled. "Thanks babe, but you're the best" Arthur blushed. Yep, this was definitely the best birthday ever.

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