/Cat/ UsUk- Chapter 10

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Crumpet was currently watching Doctor Who. He loved Doctor Who. It was his favorite. He was so mesmerized that he didn't notice Hero walk in and lay down next to him.

"Hey Crumpet" Hero smiled looking at Crumpet, who ignored him completely. "Crumpet" Hero said again, frowning. 'Is he purposely ignoring me?' Thought Hero to himself. He started to cuddle up to him.

Crumpet ignored him and continued to watch Doctor Who. "Listen to me~" Crumpet giggled (yes giggled) and looked at Hero. "Yes?" Hero smiled. "Yay! Whatcha doin?" "Watching Doctor Who. Now can you go?"

Hero pouted. "Why? Don't you love me?" Crumpet rolled his eyes and licked Hero's face. "Yes but I don't want to be interrupted" "But we can cuddle. I know you love cuddling~" Hero forcefully cuddled Crumpet, to which he gave in.

"I wanna have little kittens someday" Crumpet looked at Hero as if he was crazy (probably is). "And who's carrying them?" Hero laughed. "You! From my name, Hero, I'm the Hero (well congrats on pointing out the obvious) and Hero's never carry the babies. Their partner does" Crumpet rolled his eyes.

"Maybe someday we will get kittens. I'll have to think about it" Hero's eyes widened. "REALLY?! MAN THAT'S AWESOME! WE'RE GONNA MAKE KITTENS!!" Crumpet smacked Hero's head. "I never said yes, I said I'll think about it"

Hero pouted. "Well think fast cause I want kittens" Crumpet chuckled. "Alright then love" And so, the two cuddled for the rest of the day, talking about having kittens and starting a family. Late at night, they finished watching Doctor Who and slowly started falling asleep.

"Good night Hero" "Good night Crumpet. I love you" "I love you too" And at that, they fell asleep.

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